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Created September 10, 2020 04:30
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/* Implementing a Maybe type to learn about typescript.
Maybe API:
The first approach is just trying to copy the exact same functions you'd have in a functional language:
type Maybe<T> =
| { tag: 'Just'; value: T }
| { tag: 'Nothing' }
function withDefault<T>(value: T, maybe: Maybe<T>): T {
if (maybe.tag == 'Just')
return maybe.value
return value
function map<A, B>(mapFn: (a: A) => B, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B> {
if (maybe.tag == 'Just')
return { tag: 'Just', value: mapFn(maybe.value) }
return maybe
function andThen<A, B>(bindFn: (a: A) => Maybe<B>, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B> {
if (maybe.tag == 'Just')
return bindFn(maybe.value)
return maybe
/* This second approach tries to be more idiomatic, allowing chained calls and adding a `caseOf` helper method.
interface Maybe<A> {
withDefault: (value: A) => A
map: <B>(func: (a: A) => B) => Maybe<B>
andThen: <B>(func: (a: A) => Maybe<B>) => Maybe<B>
caseOf: <B>(just: (a: A) => B, nothing: () => B) => B
class Just<A> implements Maybe<A> {
value: A
constructor(value: A) {
this.value = value
withDefault(_: A): A {
return this.value
map<B>(func: (a: A) => B): Maybe<B> {
return new Just(func(this.value))
andThen<B>(func: (a: A) => Maybe<B>): Maybe<B> {
return func(this.value)
caseOf<B>(just: (a: A) => B, _: () => B): B {
return just(this.value)
class Nothing<A> implements Maybe<A> {
constructor() {}
withDefault(value: A): A {
return value
map<B>(_: (a: A) => B): Maybe<B> {
return new Nothing()
andThen<B>(_: (a: A) => Maybe<B>): Maybe<B> {
return new Nothing()
caseOf<B>(_: (a: A) => B, nothing: () => B): B {
return nothing()
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