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Last active February 17, 2017 04:53
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Moderate STRI Fellows' Symposium

  • time: warn speakers 5' and 1' before time out ( The sign may be hand up at 5' and stand up at 1'.

what to say when introducing a speaker

The idea is to build the speaker up in the audience’s mind. Answer:

What is the topic? Why is this topic important for this audience? Why is the speaker qualified to deliver this talk?

You should write out (and edit) the full introduction, check it with the speaker, and practice it several times.

Stick to relevant expertise of the speaker.

how many years the speaker had been interested in the topic, whether she had been trained or self-taught, and that she had written a book, papers, etc. on this topic.

even if the speaker has a lengthy list of biographical details, pick a small number (about three) that are most relevant — usually the most recent details.

Keep your introduction just long enough to accomplish your goals: [1] what’s the topic, [2] why does it matter, and [3] why is the speaker credible?

Sixty or ninety seconds is usually ample time.Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Donna Primeau!

Etiquette dictates that you should wait for them to come to you (e.g. on the stage, or at the lectern) and then shake hands before you leave. Shaking hands is a symbolic gesture that indicates you are “handing the floor” to them.

Some older thougths

  • update my profile, blog (do it with blogdown). follow ecolog buddy
  • search how to be a good moderator
  • present speakers based on Anne Lammbot´s idea (bird by bird) that characters must be desccribed
  • let the running idea be "what we are and will be is better understood by what we were.
  • tell a story about each speaker that describes them as characters
  • find out about each speaker, contact them, try to meet them at the practice session
  • ask the speakers questions that describe them as characters, e.g.
    • three things you do or like doing when you are not working

      • the last three books you read
      • the last three movies you whatched
      • the last three places you visited for work
      • the last three places you visited not for fun
      • if you won the lottery, where can we find you?
    • three things you do when you should be working (favorite procastination)

    • three things you do when you work

    • ask a friend or colleague to describe the person,

    • ask for photos when they were younger

    • ask for a photo that tells a story about their personal life

    • same about their professional life

Alicia Entem

How we manage water concerns everyone, but specially to Panamenians because water keeps the Canal and their economy going.

ALICIA ENTEM cames from the University of Alberta. She is now a predoctoral researcher working at STRI with Jefferson Hall.

The title of her talk is:

Supplying hydrological services in the Panama Canal Watershed: landowners' acceptance of payment for ecosystem services programs.

Welcome ALICIA

Catalina Gomez

I fear that human impacts may degrade ecosystems before we fully understand them. The Eastern Pacific is a biodiversity hotspot, but octocorals have been studied less than other organisms.

Catalina Gomez cames from McGill University. She is now a pre-doctoral researcher working at STRI with Hector Guzman.

The title of her talk is:

Octocoral's ecology is now on the map

Welcome Catalina

Charlotte Jander

Having a stable relationship with a cooperative partner can be very important, but partners may cheat. What mechanisms have evolved to keep partners away from cheating?

Charlotte cames from Hardvard University. She is now a postdoctoral researcher working at STRI with Edward Allen Herre.

The title of her talk is:

Fitness reduction for uncooperative fig wasps through reduced offspring size: A third component of host sanctions.

Welcome Charlotte

Maggie Johnson

The world is changing rapidly, so coral reef algae may change as well. But the effect of global change may vary accross different types of algae.

Maggie cames from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, The University of California San Diego. She is now a postoctoral researcher working at STRI with Andrew Altieri.

The title of her talk is:

Differential effects of ocean acidification on coral reef algae: Implications for community structure and ecosystem function.

Welcome Maggie

Crystal Kelehear

The impact that invasive species have on biodiversity is one of the greatest. But what makes a invasive species to be successful?

Crystal cames from The University of Sydney. She is now a postdoctoral researcher working at STRI with Mark Torchin.

The title of her talk is:

Testing the enemy release hypothesis: the global spread of cane toads as an accidental experiment.

Welcome Crystal

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