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Last active April 28, 2018 20:55
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Refactor xcode project files - add class prefix
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const DIRECTORIES = ['BackgroundGeolocation', 'BackgroundGeolocationTests'];
const PBX_PROJ = path.join('BackgroundGeolocation.xcodeproj', 'project.pbxproj');
const PREFIX = 'MAUR';
RegExp(`^${PREFIX}`), // file is already prefixed
/^(?=[A-Z]{2,})((?!SQL)).*/, //match leading 2 capital letters except SQL
const IMPORT_REGEXP = /\s*#import\s?\"(\w+\.[a-z]?)\"/g;
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
let files = [].concat.apply([], => fs.readdirSync(dir)
.filter(fileName => {
if (!FILENAME_INCLUDE_CRITERIA.some(regexp => regexp.test(fileName))) {
return false;
if (!FILENAME_EXCLUDE_CRITERIA.some(regexp => regexp.test(fileName))) {
return true;
return false;
.map(fileName => [dir, fileName])
const refactorTable = files.reduce((memo, [dir, fileName]) => {
memo[fileName] = `${PREFIX}${fileName}`;
return memo;
}, {});
const objInstances = Object.entries(refactorTable).reduce((memo, [fileName, newFileName]) => {
const [instanceName] = fileName.split('.');
const [newInstanceName] = newFileName.split('.');
memo[instanceName] = newInstanceName;
return memo;
}, {});
const ref =[dir, fileName]) => {
let matches;
const imports = [];
const [file, extension = ''] = fileName.split('.');
const fileComment = extension ? `${file}_${extension}` : file;
const oldPath = path.join(dir, fileName);
const newPath = path.join(dir, refactorTable[fileName]);
let content = fs.readFileSync(oldPath, 'utf8');
// log imports to be returned from function
while ((matches = IMPORT_REGEXP.exec(content)) !== null) {
const [match, p1] = matches;
// replace imports
content = content.replace(IMPORT_REGEXP, (match, fileName) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(fileName);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + fileName.length);
const refactoredFileName = refactorTable[fileName] || fileName;
return `${begin}${refactoredFileName}${end}`;
replace class name in comment
// BackgroundGeolocationFacade.h
content = content.replace(RegExp(`\/\/\\s*(${escapeRegExp(fileName)})`), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace ifdefs and ifndef
content = content.replace(RegExp(`#ifndef\\s*(${escapeRegExp(fileComment)})`), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace define
content = content.replace(RegExp(`#define\\s*(${escapeRegExp(fileComment)})`), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace endif
content = content.replace(RegExp(`#endif\\s*\\/\\*\\s*(${escapeRegExp(fileComment)})\\s*\\*\\/`), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace interface
content = content.replace(RegExp(`\\s*@interface\\s*(${escapeRegExp(file)})\\s*(:\\s*(\\w+)(<\\w+>)?)?`), (match, p1, p2, p3) => {
if (p3) {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const protocolIndex = match.indexOf(p3);
const end = match.substring(protocolIndex + p3.length);
return [
`${match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length, protocolIndex)}`,
} else {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace implementation
// TODO: replace protocol too
content = content.replace(RegExp(`\\s*@implementation\\s*(${escapeRegExp(file)})`), (match, p1) => {
let beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
let begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
let end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${PREFIX}${p1}${end}`;
// replace vars
Object.entries(objInstances).forEach(([oldName, newName]) => {
content = content.replace(RegExp(`\\b(${escapeRegExp(oldName)})\\s*(<\\w+>)?\\s*\\*`, 'g'), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${newName}${end}`;
// replace static method calls
Object.entries(objInstances).forEach(([oldName, newName]) => {
content = content.replace(RegExp(`\\[(${escapeRegExp(oldName)})\\s+.*\\]`, 'g'), (match, p1) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(p1);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + p1.length);
return `${begin}${newName}${end}`;
fs.renameSync(oldPath, newPath);
fs.writeFileSync(newPath, content);
return {
newImports: => refactorTable[imp]||imp)
let pbxProj = fs.readFileSync(PBX_PROJ, 'utf8');
Object.keys(refactorTable).forEach(fileName => {
pbxProj = pbxProj.replace(RegExp(`\\b(${escapeRegExp(fileName)})`, 'g'), (match, fileName) => {
const beginIndex = match.indexOf(fileName);
const begin = match.substring(0, beginIndex);
const end = match.substring(beginIndex + fileName.length);
const refactoredFileName = refactorTable[fileName];
return `${begin}${refactoredFileName}${end}`;
fs.writeFileSync(PBX_PROJ, pbxProj);
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