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Created September 9, 2010 00:52
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module FSharp.Nullable
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Math
module Option =
let fromNullable (n: _ Nullable) =
if n.HasValue
then Some n.Value
else None
let toNullable =
| None -> Nullable()
| Some x -> Nullable(x)
let (|Null|Value|) (x: _ Nullable) =
if x.HasValue then Value x.Value else Null
module Nullable =
let create x = Nullable x
let getOrDefault n v = match n with Value x -> x | _ -> v
let getOrElse (n: 'a Nullable) (v: 'a Lazy) = match n with Value x -> x | _ -> v.Force()
let get (x: _ Nullable) = x.Value
let fromOption = Option.toNullable
let toOption = Option.fromNullable
let bind f x =
match x with
| Null -> Nullable()
| Value v -> f v
let hasValue (x: _ Nullable) = x.HasValue
let isNull (x: _ Nullable) = not x.HasValue
let count (x: _ Nullable) = if x.HasValue then 1 else 0
let fold f state x =
match x with
| Null -> state
| Value v -> f state v
let foldBack f x state =
match x with
| Null -> state
| Value v -> f x state
let exists p x =
match x with
| Null -> false
| Value v -> p x
let forall p x =
match x with
| Null -> true
| Value v -> p x
let iter f x =
match x with
| Null -> ()
| Value v -> f v
let map f x =
match x with
| Null -> Nullable()
| Value v -> Nullable(f v)
let toArray x =
match x with
| Null -> [||]
| Value v -> [| v |]
let toList x =
match x with
| Null -> []
| Value v -> [v]
let liftNullable op (a: _ Nullable) (b: _ Nullable) =
if a.HasValue && b.HasValue
then Nullable(op a.Value b.Value)
else Nullable()
let mapBoolOp op a b =
match a,b with
| Value x, Value y -> op x y
| _ -> false
let inline (+?) a b = (liftNullable (+)) a b
let inline (-?) a b = (liftNullable (-)) a b
let inline ( *?) a b = (liftNullable ( *)) a b
let inline (/?) a b = (liftNullable (/)) a b
let inline (>?) a b = (mapBoolOp (>)) a b
let inline (>=?) a b = a >? b || a = b
let inline (<?) a b = (mapBoolOp (<)) a b
let inline (<=?) a b = a <? b || a = b
let inline notn (a: bool Nullable) =
if a.HasValue
then Nullable(not a.Value)
else Nullable()
let inline (&?) a b =
let rec and' a b =
match a,b with
| Null, Value y when not y -> Nullable(false)
| Null, Value y when y -> Nullable()
| Null, Null -> Nullable()
| Value x, Value y -> Nullable(x && y)
| _ -> and' b a
and' a b
let inline (|?) a b = notn ((notn a) &? (notn b))
type Int32 with
member x.n = Nullable x
type Double with
member x.n = Nullable x
type Single with
member x.n = Nullable x
type Byte with
member x.n = Nullable x
type Int64 with
member x.n = Nullable x
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mausch commented Sep 11, 2011

This is now part of FSharpx, please don't use this snippet.

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et1975 commented Jun 25, 2015

No FSharpx anymore and I don't see the Nullable in the extras...
Is this the only remaining source now?

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