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Created January 8, 2014 21:01
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An aesonic ( ) interface to System.Json (spike)
open System
open System.Globalization
open System.Json
open System.Collections.Generic
open ReadOnlyCollectionsExtensions
let (|JArray|JObject|JNumber|JBool|JString|JNull|) (o: JsonValue) =
match o with
| :? JsonArray as x ->
let values = (x :> JsonValue IList).AsReadOnlyList()
JArray values
| :? JsonObject as x ->
let values = (x :> IDictionary<string, JsonValue>).AsReadOnlyDictionary()
JObject values
| :? JsonPrimitive as x ->
match x.JsonType with
| JsonType.Number -> JNumber (x.ReadAs<decimal>())
| JsonType.Boolean -> JBool (x.ReadAs<bool>())
| JsonType.String -> JString (x.ReadAs<string>())
| JsonType.Default -> JNull
| _ -> failwithf "Invalid JsonType %A for primitive %A" x.JsonType x
| _ -> failwithf "Invalid JsonValue %A" o
open FsControl
open FsControl.Core
open FSharpPlus
let inline Success x = Choice1Of2 x
let inline Failure x = Choice2Of2 x
type 'a ChoiceS = Choice<'a, string>
type FromJSON = FromJSON with
static member instance (FromJSON, _: bool, _: bool ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JBool b -> Success b
| a -> Failure ("Expected bool, actual " + a.ToString())
static member instance (FromJSON, _: string, _: string ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JString b -> Success b
| a -> Failure ("Expected string, actual " + a.ToString())
static member instance (FromJSON, _: int, _: int ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JNumber b ->
if Decimal.Truncate b = b then
Success (int b)
| :? OverflowException -> Failure ("Int overflow: " + b.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
Failure ("Invalid int " + b.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
| a -> Failure ("Expected int, actual " + a.ToString())
let inline fromJSON (x: JsonValue) : 'a ChoiceS = Inline.instance (FromJSON, Unchecked.defaultof<'a>) x
let inline (.>) (o: IReadOnlyDictionary<string, JsonValue>) key =
match o.TryGetValue key with
| true, value -> fromJSON value
| _ -> Failure ("Key " + key + " not found")
type FromJSON with
static member inline instance (FromJSON, _: 'a array, _: 'a array ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JArray a ->
let xx : 'a ChoiceS seq = fromJSON a
sequenceA xx |> map Seq.toArray
| a -> Failure ("Expected array, found " + a.ToString())
static member inline instance (FromJSON, _: 'a list, _: 'a list ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JArray a ->
let xx : 'a ChoiceS seq = fromJSON a
sequenceA xx |> map Seq.toList
| a -> Failure ("Expected array, found " + a.ToString())
type Person = {
Name: string
Age: int
Children: Person list
type Person with
static member Create (name: string) (age: int) (children: Person list) = { Person.Name = name; Age = age; Children = children }
static member instance (FromJSON, _: Person, _: Person ChoiceS) = fun (x: JsonValue) ->
match x with
| JObject o -> Person.Create <!> (o .> "name") <*> (o .> "age") <*> (o .> "children")
| _ -> Failure ("Expected object, found " + x.ToString())
let json = JsonValue.Parse """{"name": "John", "age": 23, "children": [{"name": "Katy", "age": 5, "children": []}, {"name": "Johnny", "age": 7, "children": []}]}"""
let x : Person ChoiceS = fromJSON json
printfn "%A" x
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mausch commented Jan 9, 2014

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