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Creating a Class Definition from an Existing Object - Ironscripter Challenge
#Requires -Version 5.1
function ConvertTo-ClassDefinition {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]]$IncludeProperty = '*',
# get the immediate object type
$ObjectType = $Object.psobject.TypeNames[0]
# set the name of the class
if ($ClassName) {
$BaseClassName = $ClassName
} else {
$BaseClassName = "My" + $ObjectType
# get properties
if ($IncludeProperty -ne '*') {
$Properties = $ | Where-Object {
$_.Name -in $IncludeProperty -and
$_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty
} else {
$Properties = $ | Where-Object {
$_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty
# create stringbuilder
$Indent = ' ' * 4
$ClassDefinition = [StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('# class definition created by {0} at {1} for object type {2}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand,(Get-Date),$ObjectType))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('class {0} {{' -f $BaseClassName ))
# add all properties
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# properties' -f $Indent))
foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}[{1}]${2}' -f $Indent,$Property.TypeNameOfValue,$Property.Name))
# add simple constructors
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# constructors' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} () {{ }}' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} ([{2}]$InputObject) {{' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName,$ObjectType))
foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{0}$this.{1} = $InputObject.{1}' -f $Indent,$Property.Name))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}}}' -f $Indent))
# end class
# output class definition
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 1/30/2021 11:55:19 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPS {
# properties
hidden [String]$IdStr
# constructors
BluebirdPS () { }
BluebirdPS ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Id = $
$this.IdStr = $InputObject.id_str
$this.Name = $
$this.ScreenName = $InputObject.screen_name
$this.Location = $InputObject.location
$this.ProfileLocation = $InputObject.profile_location
$this.Description = $InputObject.description
$this.Url = $InputObject.url
$this.Entities = $InputObject.entities
$this.Protected = $InputObject.protected
$this.FollowersCount = $InputObject.followers_count
$this.FriendsCount = $InputObject.friends_count
$this.ListedCount = $InputObject.listed_count
$this.CreatedAt = [datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.created_at,'ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy',(Get-Culture))
$this.FavouritesCount = $InputObject.favourites_count
$this.UtcOffset = $InputObject.utc_offset
$this.TimeZone = $InputObject.time_zone
$this.GeoEnabled = $InputObject.geo_enabled
$this.Verified = $InputObject.verified
$this.StatusesCount = $InputObject.statuses_count
$this.Lang = $InputObject.lang
$this.Status = $InputObject.status
$this.ContributorsEnabled = $InputObject.contributors_enabled
$this.IsTranslator = $InputObject.is_translator
$this.IsTranslationEnabled = $InputObject.is_translation_enabled
$this.ProfileBackgroundColor = $InputObject.profile_background_color
$this.ProfileBackgroundImageUrl = $InputObject.profile_background_image_url
$this.ProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps = $InputObject.profile_background_image_url_https
$this.ProfileBackgroundTile = $InputObject.profile_background_tile
$this.ProfileImageUrl = $InputObject.profile_image_url
$this.ProfileImageUrlHttps = $InputObject.profile_image_url_https
$this.ProfileBannerUrl = $InputObject.profile_banner_url
$this.ProfileLinkColor = $InputObject.profile_link_color
$this.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = $InputObject.profile_sidebar_border_color
$this.ProfileSidebarFillColor = $InputObject.profile_sidebar_fill_color
$this.ProfileTextColor = $InputObject.profile_text_color
$this.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = $InputObject.profile_use_background_image
$this.HasExtendedProfile = $InputObject.has_extended_profile
$this.DefaultProfile = $InputObject.default_profile
$this.DefaultProfileImage = $InputObject.default_profile_image
$this.Following = $InputObject.following
$this.FollowRequestSent = $InputObject.follow_request_sent
$this.Notifications = $InputObject.notifications
$this.TranslatorType = $InputObject.translator_type
$this.Suspended = $InputObject.suspended
$this.NeedsPhoneVerification = $InputObject.needs_phone_verification
#Requires -Version 5.1
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Text
function ConvertTo-ClassDefinition {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]]$IncludeProperty = '*',
# get the immediate object type
$ObjectTypeBase = $Object.psobject.TypeNames[0]
# part 2: correct PSCustomObject input object
if ($ObjectTypeBase -match 'PSCustomObject') {
$ObjectType = 'PSCustomObject'
} else {
$ObjectType = $ObjectTypeBase
# set the name of the class
# part 2: PascalCase the class name
if ($ClassName) {
$BaseClassName = $ClassName | ConvertTo-PascalCase
} else {
$BaseClassName = "My." + $ObjectType | ConvertTo-PascalCase
# get properties
if ($IncludeProperty -ne '*') {
$Properties = $ | Where-Object {
$_.Name -in $IncludeProperty -and
$_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty
} else {
$Properties = $ | Where-Object {
$_.Name -notin $ExcludeProperty
# create stringbuilder
$Indent = ' ' * 4
$ClassDefinition = [StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('# class definition created by {0} at {1} for object type {2}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand,(Get-Date),$ObjectType))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('class {0} {{' -f $BaseClassName))
# part 1: add all properties
# part 2: create a new stringbuilder for the properties in the constructor so we only have to loop through properties once
$ConstructorProperty = [StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# properties' -f $Indent))
foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
# part 2: ensure proper PascalCase of the property
$PascalCaseProperty = ConvertTo-PascalCase -String $Property.Name
# part 2: ensure best guess for string values for PSCustomObject objects
$PropertySetter = '$InputObject.{0}' -f $Property.Name
if ($Property.TypeNameOfValue -match 'string' -and $ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject' ) {
$PropertyTypeConversion = Resolve-PropertyType -PropertyValue $Property.Value
$PropertyTypeName = $PropertyTypeConversion | Select-Object -First 1
if ('Parse' -in $PropertyTypeConversion) {
$PropertySetter = '[datetime]::Parse($InputObject.{0},(Get-Culture))' -f $Property.Name
} elseif ('ParseExact' -in $PropertyTypeConversion) {
$PropertySetter = '[datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.{0},''{1}'',(Get-Culture))' -f $Property.Name,$PropertyTypeConversion[2]
} else {
if ($Property.TypeNameOfValue -match 'PSCustomObject') {
$PropertyTypeName = 'PSCustomObject'
} else {
$PropertyTypeName = $Property.TypeNameOfValue
# part 2: if a property needs to be hidden, add that to the property statement
if ($Property.Name -in $HiddenProperty -or $PascalCaseProperty -in $HiddenProperty) {
$PropertyStatement = '{0}hidden [{1}]${2}' -f $Indent,$PropertyTypeName,$PascalCaseProperty
} else {
$PropertyStatement = '{0}[{1}]${2}' -f $Indent,$PropertyTypeName,$PascalCaseProperty
[void]$ConstructorProperty.AppendLine(('{0}{0}$this.{1} = {2}' -f $Indent,$PascalCaseProperty,$PropertySetter))
# add simple constructors
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# constructors' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} () {{ }}' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} ([{2}]$InputObject) {{' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName,$ObjectType))
# part 2: ensure proper PascalCase in the constructor
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}}}' -f $Indent))
# end class
# output class definition
function ConvertTo-PascalCase {
begin {
$Culture = Get-Culture
process {
foreach ($Word in $String) {
$Words = $Word -split '\W|_'
$PascalCase = if ($Words.Count -gt 1) {
$Words | ForEach-Object {
} else {
if ($Word -cnotmatch '^[A-Z]') {
return $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Word)
} else {
return $Word
$PascalCase -join ''
function Resolve-PropertyType {
$TwitterDateFormat ='ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy'
# check for url
try {
return 'Uri'
catch { } # do nothing, continue to next text
# check for known date time
try {
return 'DateTime','Parse'
catch { }
# check for Twitter date time
try {
return 'DateTime','ParseExact',$TwitterDateFormat
catch { }
return 'String'
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 12:19:34 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUser {
# properties
hidden [String]$IdStr
# constructors
BluebirdPSUser () { }
BluebirdPSUser ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.IdStr = $InputObject.id_str
$this.Location = $InputObject.location
$this.ScreenName = $InputObject.screen_name
$this.Id = $
$this.DefaultProfile = $InputObject.default_profile
<# original output from ConvertTo-ClassDefinition
[OutputTypeName] UpdateProfile (
) {
# your code
return $Output
[OutputTypeName] SetLocation (
) {
# your code
return $Output
# update code
[string] UpdateProfile ( ) {
return ("Updated Profile for {0}" -f $this.ScreenName)
# update code
[bool] SetLocation () {
return $false
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatusEntities {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatusEntities () { }
BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatusEntities ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Hashtags = $InputObject.hashtags
$this.UserMentions = $InputObject.user_mentions
$this.Symbols = $InputObject.symbols
$this.Urls = $InputObject.urls
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatus {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatus () { }
BluebirdPSUserStatusRetweetedStatus ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Contributors = $InputObject.contributors
$this.InReplyToUserIdStr = $InputObject.in_reply_to_user_id_str
$this.PossiblySensitive = $InputObject.possibly_sensitive
$this.Text = $InputObject.text
$this.Geo = $InputObject.geo
$this.Id = $
$this.InReplyToStatusId = $InputObject.in_reply_to_status_id
$this.Truncated = $InputObject.truncated
$this.Coordinates = $InputObject.coordinates
$this.IsQuoteStatus = $InputObject.is_quote_status
$this.Retweeted = $InputObject.retweeted
$this.InReplyToScreenName = $InputObject.in_reply_to_screen_name
$this.Lang = $InputObject.lang
$this.CreatedAt = [datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.created_at,'ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy',(Get-Culture))
$this.RetweetCount = $InputObject.retweet_count
$this.Entities = $InputObject.entities
$this.InReplyToStatusIdStr = $InputObject.in_reply_to_status_id_str
$this.IdStr = $InputObject.id_str
$this.Favorited = $InputObject.favorited
$this.InReplyToUserId = $InputObject.in_reply_to_user_id
$this.Place = $
$this.Source = $InputObject.source
$this.FavoriteCount = $InputObject.favorite_count
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserStatusEntities {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserStatusEntities () { }
BluebirdPSUserStatusEntities ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Hashtags = $InputObject.hashtags
$this.UserMentions = $InputObject.user_mentions
$this.Symbols = $InputObject.symbols
$this.Urls = $InputObject.urls
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserStatus {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserStatus () { }
BluebirdPSUserStatus ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Contributors = $InputObject.contributors
$this.InReplyToUserIdStr = $InputObject.in_reply_to_user_id_str
$this.Text = $InputObject.text
$this.Geo = $InputObject.geo
$this.Id = $
$this.InReplyToStatusId = $InputObject.in_reply_to_status_id
$this.Truncated = $InputObject.truncated
$this.Coordinates = $InputObject.coordinates
$this.RetweetedStatus = $InputObject.retweeted_status
$this.Retweeted = $InputObject.retweeted
$this.InReplyToScreenName = $InputObject.in_reply_to_screen_name
$this.Lang = $InputObject.lang
$this.CreatedAt = [datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.created_at,'ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy',(Get-Culture))
$this.RetweetCount = $InputObject.retweet_count
$this.Entities = $InputObject.entities
$this.IsQuoteStatus = $InputObject.is_quote_status
$this.InReplyToStatusIdStr = $InputObject.in_reply_to_status_id_str
$this.IdStr = $InputObject.id_str
$this.Favorited = $InputObject.favorited
$this.InReplyToUserId = $InputObject.in_reply_to_user_id
$this.Place = $
$this.Source = $InputObject.source
$this.FavoriteCount = $InputObject.favorite_count
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserEntitiesDescription {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserEntitiesDescription () { }
BluebirdPSUserEntitiesDescription ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Urls = $InputObject.urls
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserEntitiesUrl {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserEntitiesUrl () { }
BluebirdPSUserEntitiesUrl ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Urls = $InputObject.urls
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUserEntities {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUserEntities () { }
BluebirdPSUserEntities ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.Description = $InputObject.description
$this.Url = $InputObject.url
# class definition created by ConvertTo-ClassDefinition at 2/2/2021 1:01:11 AM for object type PSCustomObject
class BluebirdPSUser {
# properties
# constructors
BluebirdPSUser () { }
BluebirdPSUser ([PSCustomObject]$InputObject) {
$this.NeedsPhoneVerification = $InputObject.needs_phone_verification
$this.Protected = $InputObject.protected
$this.ProfileBackgroundColor = $InputObject.profile_background_color
$this.HasExtendedProfile = $InputObject.has_extended_profile
$this.IsTranslationEnabled = $InputObject.is_translation_enabled
$this.ProfileBackgroundImageUrl = $InputObject.profile_background_image_url
$this.Url = $InputObject.url
$this.Id = $
$this.Description = $InputObject.description
$this.TimeZone = $InputObject.time_zone
$this.Lang = $InputObject.lang
$this.Suspended = $InputObject.suspended
$this.Status = $InputObject.status
$this.FavouritesCount = $InputObject.favourites_count
$this.ProfileBackgroundTile = $InputObject.profile_background_tile
$this.Verified = $InputObject.verified
$this.FollowRequestSent = $InputObject.follow_request_sent
$this.ListedCount = $InputObject.listed_count
$this.ProfileUseBackgroundImage = $InputObject.profile_use_background_image
$this.ProfileImageUrl = $InputObject.profile_image_url
$this.FriendsCount = $InputObject.friends_count
$this.ProfileLinkColor = $InputObject.profile_link_color
$this.GeoEnabled = $InputObject.geo_enabled
$this.ContributorsEnabled = $InputObject.contributors_enabled
$this.ProfileSidebarFillColor = $InputObject.profile_sidebar_fill_color
$this.Location = $InputObject.location
$this.Notifications = $InputObject.notifications
$this.DefaultProfile = $InputObject.default_profile
$this.ProfileTextColor = $InputObject.profile_text_color
$this.ScreenName = $InputObject.screen_name
$this.ProfileLocation = $InputObject.profile_location
$this.FollowersCount = $InputObject.followers_count
$this.Name = $
$this.Following = $InputObject.following
$this.ProfileBannerUrl = $InputObject.profile_banner_url
$this.TranslatorType = $InputObject.translator_type
$this.IdStr = $InputObject.id_str
$this.UtcOffset = $InputObject.utc_offset
$this.ProfileImageUrlHttps = $InputObject.profile_image_url_https
$this.CreatedAt = [datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.created_at,'ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy',(Get-Culture))
$this.StatusesCount = $InputObject.statuses_count
$this.ProfileBackgroundImageUrlHttps = $InputObject.profile_background_image_url_https
$this.Entities = $InputObject.entities
$this.ProfileSidebarBorderColor = $InputObject.profile_sidebar_border_color
$this.IsTranslator = $InputObject.is_translator
$this.DefaultProfileImage = $InputObject.default_profile_image
#Requires -Version 5.1
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Text
function ConvertTo-ClassDefinition {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]]$IncludeProperty = '*',
# get the immediate object type
$ObjectTypeBase = $Object.psobject.TypeNames[0]
# part 2: correct PSCustomObject input object
if ($ObjectTypeBase -match 'PSCustomObject') {
$ObjectType = 'PSCustomObject'
} else {
$ObjectType = $ObjectTypeBase
# set the name of the class
# part 2: PascalCase the class name
if ($ClassName) {
$BaseClassName = $ClassName | ConvertTo-PascalCase
} else {
$BaseClassName = "My." + $ObjectType | ConvertTo-PascalCase
# huge bugfix: original property names or PascalCase property names should be allowed for included and excluded properties.
$PascalCaseProperties = @{}
$ | ForEach-Object {
$PascalCaseProperties.Add((ConvertTo-PascalCase -String $_.Name),$_)
if ($IncludeProperty -ne '*') {
$IncludeProperties = $PascalCaseProperties.Keys | Where-Object {
($_ -in $IncludeProperty -or $PascalCaseProperties[$_].Name -in $IncludeProperty)
} else {
$IncludeProperties = $PascalCaseProperties.Keys
if ($ExcludeProperty) {
$ExcludeProperties = $PascalCaseProperties.Keys | Where-Object {
($_ -in $ExcludeProperty -or $PascalCaseProperties[$_].Name -in $ExcludeProperty)
if ($ExcludeProperties) {
$Properties = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $IncludeProperties -DifferenceObject $ExcludeProperties -PassThru | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }
} else {
$Properties = $IncludeProperties
# create stringbuilder
$Indent = ' ' * 4
$ClassDefinition = [StringBuilder]::new()
if (-Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoComments')) {
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('# class definition created by {0} at {1} for object type {2}' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand,(Get-Date),$ObjectType))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('class {0} {{' -f $BaseClassName))
# part 1: add all properties
# part 2: create a new stringbuilder for the properties in the constructor so we only have to loop through properties once
$ConstructorProperty = [StringBuilder]::new()
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# properties' -f $Indent))
foreach ($PascalCaseProperty in $Properties) {
# part 2: ensure best guess for string values for PSCustomObject objects
$PropertySetter = '$InputObject.{0}' -f $PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Name
if ($PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].TypeNameOfValue -match 'string' -and $ObjectType -eq 'PSCustomObject' ) {
$PropertyTypeConversion = Resolve-PropertyType -PropertyValue $PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Value
$PropertyTypeName = $PropertyTypeConversion | Select-Object -First 1
if ('Parse' -in $PropertyTypeConversion) {
$PropertySetter = '[datetime]::Parse($InputObject.{0},(Get-Culture))' -f $PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Name
} elseif ('ParseExact' -in $PropertyTypeConversion) {
$PropertySetter = '[datetime]::ParseExact($InputObject.{0},''{1}'',(Get-Culture))' -f $PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Name,$PropertyTypeConversion[2]
} else {
if ($PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].TypeNameOfValue -match 'PSCustomObject') {
#$PropertyTypeName = 'PSCustomObject'
$PropertyTypeName = "$BaseClassName$PascalCaseProperty"
# part 3: make it recursive
$ConvertParams = @{
ClassName = "$BaseClassName$PascalCaseProperty"
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NoComments')) {
$PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Value | ConvertTo-ClassDefinition @ConvertParams
} else {
$PropertyTypeName = $PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].TypeNameOfValue
# part 2: if a property needs to be hidden, add that to the property statement
if ($PascalCaseProperties[$PascalCaseProperty].Name -in $HiddenProperty -or $PascalCaseProperty -in $HiddenProperty) {
$PropertyStatement = '{0}hidden [{1}]${2}' -f $Indent,$PropertyTypeName,$PascalCaseProperty
} else {
$PropertyStatement = '{0}[{1}]${2}' -f $Indent,$PropertyTypeName,$PascalCaseProperty
[void]$ConstructorProperty.AppendLine(('{0}{0}$this.{1} = {2}' -f $Indent,$PascalCaseProperty,$PropertySetter))
# add simple constructors
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}# constructors' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} () {{ }}' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{1} ([{2}]$InputObject) {{' -f $Indent,$BaseClassName,$ObjectType))
# part 2: ensure proper PascalCase in the constructor
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}}}' -f $Indent))
# part 3: add methods, ensure proper PascalCase
foreach ($ThisMethod in $Method) {
$PascalCaseMethod = ConvertTo-PascalCase -String $ThisMethod
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}[OutputTypeName] {1} (' -f $Indent,$PascalCaseMethod))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{0}[TypeName]$Param1,' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{0}[TypeName]$Param2' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}) {{' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{0}# your code' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}{0}return $Output' -f $Indent))
[void]$ClassDefinition.AppendLine(('{0}}}' -f $Indent))
# end class
# output class definition
function Resolve-PropertyType {
$TwitterDateFormat ='ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy'
# check for url
try {
return 'Uri'
catch { } # do nothing, continue to next text
# check for known date time
try {
return 'DateTime','Parse'
catch { }
# check for Twitter date time
try {
return 'DateTime','ParseExact',$TwitterDateFormat
catch { }
return 'String'
function ConvertTo-PascalCase {
begin {
$Culture = Get-Culture
process {
foreach ($Word in $String) {
$Words = $Word -split '\W|_'
$PascalCase = if ($Words.Count -gt 1) {
$Words | ForEach-Object {
} else {
if ($Word -cnotmatch '^[A-Z]') {
return $Culture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Word)
} else {
return $Word
$PascalCase -join ''
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