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Created May 19, 2014 05:00
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Conduit.List (sinkNull, mapMaybe)
import Numeric (showFFloat, showInt)
import System.Console.GetOpt.Simple
import Data.Conduit
import Data.List.Split (splitPlacesBlanks)
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Network.Pcap.Conduit (Packet, sourceOffline, sourceLive)
import Network.Pcap.Base (hdrSeconds, hdrUseconds)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Heap as H
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
type Bid = Offer
type Ask = Offer
data Offer = Offer { quantity :: Int, price :: Int} deriving Eq
instance Show Offer where
show o = showInt (quantity o) $ '@':(show $ price o)
data Quote = Quote { pktTime :: Double,
acceptTime :: Int,
issueCode :: String,
b5 :: Bid,
b4 :: Bid,
b3 :: Bid,
b2 :: Bid,
b1 :: Bid,
a5 :: Ask,
a4 :: Ask,
a3 :: Ask,
a2 :: Ask,
a1 :: Ask
} deriving Eq
instance Show Quote where
show q = foldl1 (\a b -> a . (showChar '\t') . b) ([(showFFloat Nothing $ pktTime q), (showInt $ acceptTime q), (showString $ issueCode q)] ++ (map shows [b5 q, b4 q, b3 q, b2 q, b1 q, a1 q, a2 q, a3 q, a4 q, a5 q])) ""
instance Ord Quote where
compare q1 q2 = compare (acceptTime q1) (acceptTime q2)
-- Convert a single packet to quote, discarding if it is not a valid quote packet.
packetToQuote :: Packet -> Maybe Quote
packetToQuote (hdr, msg) = if C.null content then Nothing else Just quote
where (_,content) = C.breakSubstring "B6034" msg
[_,_,_,issCode,_,_,_,bp1,bq1,bp2,bq2,bp3,bq3,bp4,bq4,bp5,bq5,_,ap1,aq1,ap2,aq2,ap3,aq3,ap4,aq4,ap5,aq5,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,accTim,_] = splitPlacesBlanks [2,2,1,12,3,2,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,5,7,5,4,4,4,4,4,5,4,4,4,4,4,8,1] (C.unpack content) -- Splitting this into so many pieces is not really necessary in this case, but is good practice in case we ever want to refactor.
pTime = (fromIntegral $ hdrSeconds hdr) + (fromIntegral $ hdrUseconds hdr)/1000
quote = Quote { pktTime = pTime, acceptTime = read accTim, issueCode = issCode, b5 = mkOffer bp5 bq5, b4 = mkOffer bp4 bq4, b3 = mkOffer bp3 bq3, b2 = mkOffer bp2 bq2, b1 = mkOffer bp1 bq1, a5 = mkOffer ap5 aq5, a4 = mkOffer ap4 aq4, a3 = mkOffer ap3 aq3, a2 = mkOffer ap2 aq2, a1 = mkOffer ap1 aq1 }
mkOffer p q = Offer { quantity = read q, price = read p }
-- Reorder a stream of packets according to their quote accept times.
-- Maintains a min-heap cache of at most 3 seconds worth of packets at a time.
reorder :: Conduit Quote IO Quote
reorder = rloop H.empty
yieldHeap h = do
if H.size h == 1
then yield $ H.minimum h
else do
yield $ H.minimum h
yieldHeap $ H.deleteMin h
rloop h = do
x <- await
case x of
Nothing -> yieldHeap h
Just q ->
let heap = H.insert q h
if acceptTime (H.minimum heap) + 300 < acceptTime q
yield $ H.minimum heap
rloop $ H.deleteMin heap
else rloop heap
-- Given a stream of quotes, print them.
printQuote :: Sink Quote IO ()
printQuote = do
x <- await
case x of
Nothing -> sinkNull
Just y -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn (show y)
-- Convert a packet stream to a stream of quotes, discarding any invalid packets,
-- optionally reorder quotes by exchange accept time, then print each quote in order.
printPackets :: Bool -> Conduit () IO Packet -> IO ()
printPackets False packets = packets $= mapMaybe packetToQuote $$ printQuote
printPackets True packets = packets $= mapMaybe packetToQuote $= reorder $$ printQuote
cliOptions :: Conf
cliOptions = [ (noArg, "reorder", Optional, "Reorder messages by quote accept time, within a 3-second margin."),
(noArg, "live-capture", Optional, "Instead of parsing pcap files, capture packets directly. May require root privileges."),
(arg, "interface", Default "any", "Specify an interface for live-capture. Defaults to 'any', i.e. capture on all available interfaces."),
(arg, "time", Default "0", "Set timeout interval in microseconds for live packet capture. Defaults to 0, i.e. wait indefinitely."),
(noArg, "matrixmode", Optional, "The machines tell elegant lies."),
(arg, "size", Default "4096", "Set snapshot length (in bytes) for live packet capture. Defaults to 4096.")]
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts, args) <- getUsingConf cliOptions []
let r = M.member "reorder" opts
if M.member "matrixmode" opts then putStr "\ESC[32m" else putStr ""
if M.member "live-capture" opts
then printPackets r $ sourceLive (read $ opts M.! "interface") (read $ opts M.! "size") True (read $ opts M.! "time")
case filter (".pcap" `isSuffixOf`) args of
[] -> putStrLn "You must either specify some .pcap files or do a live capture."
files -> mapM_ (printPackets r . sourceOffline) files
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