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Last active December 29, 2015 01:28
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Save mavant/7592872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A dice roller with logging written for MySQL server information removed. This was my first piece of PHP, many many moons ago.
<title>Dice Roller</title>
#first things first - if the user didn't specify a name, die.
IF ($_POST['name'] != null){
#looks like they gave a name!
#MySQL information and basic control variables
$flood_seconds = 15;
$max_rolls = 10;
#Connect to the database
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
#Get POSTed variables, plus IP of user and the current date
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
$sides = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sides']);
$reason = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['reason']);
$link = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['link']);
$times = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['x']);
$DATE = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
#Make sure it's been at least $flood_seconds since the last recorded roll from this IP.
$query="SELECT * FROM rolls WHERE IP='$userIP' and date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL $flood_seconds SECOND ";
$return= mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($return) > '0') {
#There's been a roll too recently to roll again, so tell the user how much longer they have to wait.
$previousdate = mysql_result($return, 0, date);
$query="SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$previousdate')";
$return= mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
$remainingtime = $flood_seconds -( time() - mysql_result($return, 0));
die("Sorry! You can only roll once every $flood_seconds seconds. You have $remainingtime seconds remaining.");
#Reset the database index - this only matters if the database has been manually edited.
$query="ALTER TABLE rolls AUTO_INCREMENT = 1";
$return = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
#Make sure the rolls requested do not exceed the max, which they shouldn't unless someone has changed the submission page without changing this script, or someone has forged a submission request.
if ($times > $max_rolls){
$times = $max_rolls;
print("<h1>Rolls requested exceeded max allowed - contact an administrator, please; something is broken!</h1><br>");
#Iterate through the roll-submit-print loop once for however many rolls were requested
while ($times > 0){
#Decrement the remaining dice to roll
#Once upon a time (PHP < 4.2.0), we had to seed the random number generator. Commented out when IX upgraded us to PHP5.
#Roll the bones (Well, you can stake that claim; good work is the key to good fortune... Sorry, I really like Rush.)
$result = rand(1, $sides);
#Send the roll to the server.
$query="INSERT INTO `rolls` (`name`, `sides`, `result`, `date`, `link`, `reason`, `IP`) VALUES ('$name', '$sides','$result', '$DATE', '$link', '$reason', '$userIP')";
$return = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
#Get the index of the roll just submitted..
$query="SELECT `index` FROM rolls WHERE `index`=LAST_INSERT_ID()";
#Print out the roll just made with a link to the reference
print("<b>Date:</b> $DATE.<br>");
print("<b>Your Name:</b> $name.<br>");
print("<b>Your IP:</b> $userIP.<br>");
print("<b>Sides Rolled:</b> $sides.<br>");
print("<b>Result:</b> $result.<br>");
print("<b>Reason:</b> $reason.<br>");
print("<b>Link:</b> $link<br>");
print("<b>Index Number:</b> <a href=getRolls2.php?number=$index>$index</a><br>");
#Print closing line and clean up shop
print("Please hit the back button on your browser to return to the Dice Roller page, or click <a href=>this link</a>.<br> To visit the page containing all the rolls made so far, in order, click <a href=getRolls.php> here</a>.");
} else {
#If we're here, then no name was submitted. Tell the user so.
print("Error! No user name was detected. This may be due to a bad link. To visit the Dice Roller page, click <a href=>this link</a>. <br> To visit the page containing all the rolls made so far, in order, click <a href=getRolls.php> here</a>.");
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