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Created May 31, 2014 16:43
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import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Check = Check { name :: String, action :: IO Result }
instance Eq Check where
c1 == c2 = name c1 == name c2
instance Ord Check where
compare c1 c2 = compare (name c1) (name c2)
data Result = Pass | Warn String | Fail String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Schedule = Map.Map POSIXTime [Check]
-- Main initializes the schedule with the program's start time, then initiates the loop.
main :: IO ()
main = do
t <- getPOSIXTime
runScheduler $ initialize t
-- runScheduler loops forever, executing each action precisely once when it is scheduled.
runScheduler :: Schedule -> IO ()
runScheduler s = do
t <- getPOSIXTime -- Get current time in seconds
let (due,later) = Map.split t s -- Split the schedule into checks due and not.
(results,new) <- runAndUpdate due --evaluate the currently-due actions
print results -- Log to STDOUT, but in real life this would go somewhere else.
runScheduler $ Map.union later new -- Construct the new schedule and recurse.
-- runAndUpdate takes a schedule segment that needs to be executed, runs it, and returns the results along with a new schedule.
-- If the program were to be parallelized, this would be where to do it.
runAndUpdate :: Schedule -> IO ([Result], Schedule)
runAndUpdate m = do
results <- mapM action . concat $ Map.elems new
-- Alternatively,
-- results <- parallelInterleaved . map action . concat $ Map.elems new
-- will run the checks in parallel and return them in approximate order completed.
return (results,new)
where new = Map.foldl' Map.union Map.empty $ Map.mapWithKey updateTimes m
updateTimes t l = Map.fromListWith (++) $ map (\c -> (t + i c,[c])) l
i c = checkerIntervals Map.! c
-- Initialize creates a schedule starting at the specified time.
initialize :: POSIXTime -> Schedule
initialize t = Map.foldlWithKey' scheduleCheck Map.empty checkerIntervals
where scheduleCheck m c i = Map.insertWith (++) (t+i) [c] m
-- checkerIntervals associates each check to its specified frequency.
-- Add any checks here to actually schedule them.
-- NominalDiffTime is interpreted as seconds. It accepts fractional intervals.
checkerIntervals :: Map.Map Check NominalDiffTime
checkerIntervals = Map.fromList [(exampleCheck1,1),
(exampleCheck2,2.5)] --etc
--Defining a check consists of giving it a name and an IO action.
--The action can have arbitrary side effects, but must return one of the Result variants.
--Names must be unique.
exampleCheck1 :: Check
exampleCheck1 = Check { name = "exampleCheck1", action = do putStrLn "Test"; return Pass }
exampleCheck2 :: Check
exampleCheck2 = Check { name = "exampleCheck2", action = do putStrLn "Test2"; return $ Warn "something or other"}
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