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Last active September 4, 2019 00:57
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Feature Request

dotnet/roslyn#30172: Programmatic suppression of warnings

Provide an ability for platform/library authors to author simple, context-aware compiler extensions to programmatically suppress specific instances of reported analyzer and/or compiler diagnostics, which are always known to be false positives in the context of the platform/library.

Programmatically Suppressible Diagnostic

An analyzer/compiler diagnostic would be considered a candidate for programmatic suppression if all of the following conditions hold:

  1. Not an error by default: Diagnostic's DefaultSeverity is not DiagnosticSeverity.Error.
  2. Must be configurable: Diagnostic is not tagged with WellKnownDiagnosticTags.NotConfigurable custom tag, indicating that its severity is configurable.
  3. No existing source suppression: Diagnostic is not already suppressed in source via pragma/suppress message attribute.

Core Design

  1. For platform/library authors: Expose a new "DiagnosticSuppressor" public API for authoring such compiler extensions. API contract for the suppressors (detailed API with doc comments in the last section):
    1. Declaratively provide all the analyzer and/or compiler diagnostic IDs that can be suppressed by it.
    2. For each such suppressible diagnostic ID, provide a unique suppression ID and justification. These are required to enable proper diagnosis and configuration of each suppression (covered in detail later).
    3. Register callbacks for reported analyzer and/or compiler diagnostics with these suppressible diagnostic IDs. The callback can analyze the syntax and/or semantics of the diagnostic location and report a suppression for it.
    4. DiagnosticSuppressors would not be able to register any another analysis callbacks, and hence cannot report any new diagnostics.
  2. For end users:
    1. Seamless development experience when targeting such a platform/library, whereby the users do not see false positives from analyzers/compiler in their development context.
    2. End users do not need to manually add and/or maintain source suppressions through pragmas/SuppressMessageAttributes for such context-specific false positives.
    3. End users still have the ultimate control over suppressors (specifics covered in later section):
      1. Audit: Diagnostic suppressions are logged as "Info" diagnostics on the command line, so the end users can audit each suppression in the verbose build log or msbuild binlog. Additionally, they are also logged in the /errorlog SARIF file as suppressed diagnostics.
      2. Configuration: Each diagnostic suppression has an associated suppression ID. This is clearly indicated in the logged "Info" diagnostics for suppressions, and the end users can disable the bucket of suppressions under any specific suppression ID with simple command line argument or ruleset entries.
  3. For analyzer driver:
    1. Order of execution between analyzers/compiler and suppressors: For command line builds, all diagnostic suppressors will run after all the analyzer and compiler diagnostics have been computed. For live analysis in Visual Studio, diagnostic suppressors may be invoked with a subset of the full set of reported diagnostics, as an optimization for supporting incremental and partial analysis scenarios.
    2. Order of execution between individual suppressors: Execution of diagnostic suppressors would be independent of other suppressors. Diagnostic suppressions reported by one suppressor would not affect the input set of reported diagnostics passed to any other suppressor. Each diagnostic might be programmatically suppressed by more then one suppressor, so the analyzer driver will union all the reported suppressions for each diagnostic. Command line compiler will log one suppression diagnostic per-suppression for each programmatically suppressed diagnostic.

Development Experience Example

Let us consider the core example for UnityEngine covered in dotnet/roslyn#30172:

using UnityEngine;

class BulletMovement : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float speed;

    private void Update()
         this.transform.position *= speed;

Serialization frameworks and tools embedding .NET Core or Mono often set the value of fields or call methods outside of user code. Such code is not available for analysis to the compiler and analyzers, leading to false reports such as following:

  1. CS0649: Field 'speed' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
  2. IDE0044 dotnet_style_readonly_field: Make field 'speed' readonly

New experience with screenshots:

  1. For platform/library authors: UnityEngine can selectively suppress instances of such diagnostics by writing a simple SerializedFieldDiagnosticSuppressor extension based on the DiagnosticSuppressor API and packaging it along with the Unity framework SDK/library.
  2. For end users:
    1. Users do not see above false positives in the IDE live analysis or command line build. For example, see the below screenshots with and without the SerializedFieldDiagnosticSuppressor:
      1. Without the suppressor: See image here
      2. With the suppressor: See image here
    2. Audit suppressions:
      1. Command line build: End users will see "Info" severity suppression diagnostics in command line builds, see image here info SPR0001: Diagnostic 'CS0649' was programmatically suppressed by a DiagnosticSuppressor with suppresion ID 'SPR1001' and justification 'Field symbols marked with SerializedFieldAttribute are implicitly assigned by UnityEngine at runtime and hence do not have its default value' These diagnostics will always be logged in the msbuild binlog. They would not be visible in the console output for regular msbuild invocations, but increasing the msbuild verbosity to detailed or diagnostic will emit these diagnostics.
      2. Visual Studio IDE: Users can see the original suppressed diagnostic in the Visual Studio Error List when they change the default filter for the "Suppression State" column in the error list to include "Suppressed" diagnostics, see image here. In future, we also plan to add a new error list column, possibly named "Suppression Source", which will display the suppression ID and justification associated with each programmatic suppression.
    3. Disable suppressors: End users can disable specific suppression IDs from an analyzer package using the following two mechanisms:
      1. /nowarn:<%suppression_id%>: See image here for disabling the suppression ID from the project property page, which in turn generates the nowarn command line argument.
      2. Ruleset entry: See image here for disabling the suppression ID using a CodeAnalysis ruleset

Open Questions:

  1. Should the DiagnsoticSuppressor feature be Opt-in OR on-by-default: This was brought up few times in the past, especially with the concern with on-by-default behavior being that an end user would not see any indication in the command line that diagnostic suppressors were executed as part of their build. I think we have following options:

    1. Opt-in:
      1. Keep the feature behind a new, permanent feature flag: This way the command line arguments will always indicate if diagnostic suppressors were involved in the build.
      2. Add a new command line switch to enable suppressors
    2. On-By-default: No command line argument indicating suppressors are involved in a build, but users can look at binlogs and/or verbose msbuild output logs to determine the same.

    The draft PR for this feature currently puts the feature being a feature flag. If we decide to take the on-by-default route, I can revert the changes adding the feature flag. Otherwise, if we decide that we should make it opt-in with a new command line compiler switch, I would like to propose that we keep the feature flag for the initial PR, and then have a follow-up PR to add the command line switch.

    Update: We have decided to keep the feature being a temporary feature flag for initial release, which will be removed once we are confident about the feature's performance, user experience, etc.

  2. Message for the "Info" suppression diagnostic: I have chosen the below message format (with 3 format arguments), but any suggested changes are welcome: Diagnostic 'CS0649' was programmatically suppressed by a DiagnosticSuppressor with suppresion ID 'SPR1001' and justification 'Field symbols marked with SerializedFieldAttribute are implicitly assigned by UnityEngine at runtime and hence do not have its default value'

  3. What should be the diagnostic ID for the "Info" suppression diagnostic?: We have following options:

    1. Use a CSxxxx/BCxxxx diagnostic ID for the suppression diagnostic so it is evident that the diagnostic is coming from the core compiler.
    2. Use a distinct diagnostic prefix, such as 'SPR0001', similar to the way we report 'AD0001' diagnostics for analyzer exceptions. This provides a separate bucketing/categorization for these special suppression diagnostics. The draft PR chooses the second approach with 'SPR0001' as the diagnostic ID.

    Update: We have decided the diagnostic ID would be SP0001.

Draft PR implementing the above proposal:


Detailed API proposal with documentation comments from the Draft PR

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics
    /// <summary>
    /// The base type for diagnostic suppressors that can programmatically suppress analyzer and/or compiler non-error diagnostics.
    /// </summary>
    public abstract class DiagnosticSuppressor : DiagnosticAnalyzer
        // Disallow suppressors from reporting diagnostics or registering analysis actions.
        public sealed override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics => ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor>.Empty;

        public sealed override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a set of descriptors for the suppressions that this suppressor is capable of producing.
        /// </summary>
        public abstract ImmutableArray<SuppressionDescriptor> SupportedSuppressions { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Suppress analyzer and/or compiler non-error diagnostics reported for the compilation.
        /// This may be a subset of the full set of reported diagnostics, as an optimization for
        /// supporting incremental and partial analysis scenarios.
        /// A diagnostic is considered suppressible by a DiagnosticSuppressor if *all* of the following conditions are met:
        ///     1. Diagnostic is not already suppressed in source via pragma/suppress message attribute.
        ///     2. Diagnostic's <see cref="Diagnostic.DefaultSeverity"/> is not <see cref="DiagnosticSeverity.Error"/>.
        ///     3. Diagnostic is not tagged with <see cref="WellKnownDiagnosticTags.NotConfigurable"/> custom tag.
        /// </summary>
        public abstract void ReportSuppressions(SuppressionAnalysisContext context);

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides a description about a programmatic suppression of a <see cref="Diagnostic"/> by a <see cref="DiagnosticSuppressor"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class SuppressionDescriptor : IEquatable<SuppressionDescriptor>
        /// <summary>
        /// An unique identifier for the suppression.
        /// </summary>
        public string Id { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Identifier of the suppressed diagnostic, i.e. <see cref="Diagnostic.Id"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public string SuppressedDiagnosticId { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// A localizable description about the suppression.
        /// </summary>
        public LocalizableString Description { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Context for suppressing analyzer and/or compiler non-error diagnostics reported for the compilation.
    /// </summary>
    public struct SuppressionAnalysisContext
        /// <summary>
        /// Suppressible analyzer and/or compiler non-error diagnostics reported for the compilation.
        /// This may be a subset of the full set of reported diagnostics, as an optimization for
        /// supporting incremental and partial analysis scenarios.
        /// A diagnostic is considered suppressible by a DiagnosticSuppressor if *all* of the following conditions are met:
        ///     1. Diagnostic is not already suppressed in source via pragma/suppress message attribute.
        ///     2. Diagnostic's <see cref="Diagnostic.DefaultSeverity"/> is not <see cref="DiagnosticSeverity.Error"/>.
        ///     3. Diagnostic is not tagged with <see cref="WellKnownDiagnosticTags.NotConfigurable"/> custom tag.
        /// </summary>
        public ImmutableArray<Diagnostic> ReportedDiagnostics { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Report a <see cref="Suppression"/> for a reported diagnostic.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReportSuppression(Suppression suppression);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="SemanticModel"/> for the given <see cref="SyntaxTree"/>, which is shared across all analyzers.
        /// </summary>
        public SemanticModel GetSemanticModel(SyntaxTree syntaxTree);

        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="CodeAnalysis.Compilation"/> for the context.
        /// </summary>
        public Compilation Compilation { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Options specified for the analysis.
        /// </summary>
        public AnalyzerOptions Options { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Token to check for requested cancellation of the analysis.
        /// </summary>
        public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Programmatic suppression of a <see cref="Diagnostic"/> by a <see cref="DiagnosticSuppressor"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public struct Suppression
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a suppression of a <see cref="Diagnostic"/> with the given <see cref="SuppressionDescriptor"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="descriptor">
        /// Descriptor for the suppression, which must be from <see cref="DiagnosticSuppressor.SupportedSuppressions"/>
        /// for the <see cref="DiagnosticSuppressor"/> creating this suppression.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="suppressedDiagnostic">
        /// <see cref="Diagnostic"/> to be suppressed, which must be from <see cref="SuppressionAnalysisContext.ReportedDiagnostics"/>
        /// for the suppression context in which this suppression is being created.</param>
        public static Suppression Create(SuppressionDescriptor descriptor, Diagnostic suppressedDiagnostic);

        /// <summary>
        /// Descriptor for this suppression.
        /// </summary>
        public SuppressionDescriptor Descriptor { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Diagnostic suppressed by this suppression.
        /// </summary>
        public Diagnostic SuppressedDiagnostic { get; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SerializedFieldAnalysis
public class SerializedFieldDiagnosticSuppressor : DiagnosticSuppressor
private static readonly SuppressionDescriptor s_suppressUnusedFieldsRule = new SuppressionDescriptor(
id: "SPR1001",
suppressedDiagnosticId: "CS0649",
justification: "Field symbols marked with SerializedFieldAttribute are implicitly assigned by UnityEngine at runtime and hence do not have its default value");
private static readonly SuppressionDescriptor s_suppressMakeReadonlyRule = new SuppressionDescriptor(
id: "SPR1002",
suppressedDiagnosticId: "IDE0044",
justification: "Field symbols marked with SerializedFieldAttribute are implicitly assigned outside the constructor by UnityEngine and hence should not be readonly");
public override ImmutableArray<SuppressionDescriptor> SupportedSuppressions => ImmutableArray.Create(s_suppressUnusedFieldsRule, s_suppressMakeReadonlyRule);
public override void ReportSuppressions(SuppressionAnalysisContext context)
foreach (var diagnostic in context.ReportedDiagnostics)
var node = diagnostic.Location.SourceTree.GetRoot(context.CancellationToken).FindNode(diagnostic.Location.SourceSpan);
if (node != null)
var model = context.GetSemanticModel(node.SyntaxTree);
var declaredSymbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(node, context.CancellationToken);
if (declaredSymbol?.Kind == SymbolKind.Field &&
declaredSymbol.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass.Name.Equals("SerializedFieldAttribute")) == true)
var suppressionRule = diagnostic.Id == s_suppressUnusedFieldsRule.SuppressedDiagnosticId ? s_suppressUnusedFieldsRule : s_suppressMakeReadonlyRule;
context.ReportSuppression(Suppression.Create(suppressionRule, diagnostic));
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@mavasani @jaredpar

Just tried out DiagnosticSuppressor today and it's working great! This is going to help a lot with our adoption of nullable reference types since we have issues similar to the ones facing Unity.

Should mention that #pragma and editor config suppression work as well.

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting something, but disabling a suppression with a pragma doesn't seem to work. Should it? (I'm using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp and Microsoft.Net.Compilers @ 3.3.0-beta1-final from

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Perhaps I'm misinterpreting something, but disabling a suppression with a pragma doesn't seem to work. Should it?

Current support only allows disabling programmatic suppression IDs for the entire compilation:
In source suppression of programmatic suppressions was something that was talked about but not implemented, pending more user requests.

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OK, just wanted to make sure since I was testing things out.

In-source suppression isn't something we anticipate needing, so no complaints here.

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virzak commented Aug 29, 2019

Is there a repository with this example?

Tried to reproduce this, but couldn't get it to work. A working example would benefit many.

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PathogenDavid commented Aug 29, 2019

@virzak I've pushed my quick-and-dirty test I used to play with this feature: PathogenPlayground/DiagnosticSuppressorTest

It's extremely bare-bones (it doesn't even look at the syntax nodes or anything), but hopefully it'll get you going in the right direction.

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virzak commented Aug 29, 2019

@virzak I've pushed my quick-and-dirty test I used to play with this feature: PathogenPlayground/DiagnosticSuppressorTest

It's extremely bare-bones (it doesn't even look at the syntax nodes or anything), but hopefully it'll get you going in the right direction.

Thank you so much David! Works great!

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virzak commented Aug 29, 2019

Is it possible to suppress IDEXXXX warnings this way?

I introduced

void OnPropertyOneChanged()

and I get a Message IDE0051 Private member 'TestFodyPropertyChanged.OnPropertyOneChanged' is unused.

I modified @PathogenDavid 's example to catch that warning (and removed the if statement) and it stopped suppressing.

Any ideas?

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Yes, IDE warnings are suppressible with the diagnostic suppressor API.

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virzak commented Aug 30, 2019

@mavasani, I'm 100% sure it doesn't work in @PathogenDavid 's example. If I modify SuppressionDescriptor to another "CSxxxx" it works like charm, but "IDExxxx" the message stays.

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virzak commented Sep 4, 2019

@PathogenDavid, do you mind trying the IDExxxx scenario?

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