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Created September 29, 2012 05:00
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pyparsing demonstration
Sample JSON decoder for demonstrating how to use pyparsing.
import pyparsing as pp
# JSON types are number, string, boolean, object, array, and null.
# A boolean is either the literal 'true' or the literal 'false'. Set a
# parsing action that just replaces it with the Python equivalent.
boolean = (
pp.Keyword('true').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(True)) |
null = pp.Keyword('None').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))
# pyparsing comes with a utility for parsing strings.
string = pp.QuotedString('"', escChar='\\') | pp.QuotedString("'", escChar='\\')
# All numbers in JSON are double-precision floating points, equivalent
# to the Python 'float'.
exp = pp.CaselessLiteral('e') + pp.Optional(pp.oneOf('+ -')) + pp.Word(pp.nums)
number = pp.Combine(
pp.Optional(pp.oneOf('+ -')) +
pp.Word(pp.nums) +
pp.Optional('.' + pp.Optional(pp.Word(pp.nums)) + pp.Optional(exp))
def number_action(tok):
return [float(tok[0])]
# Objects and Arrays are defined in terms of expr, and expr is defined
# in terms of objects and arrays! We can get around this quandary with
# Forward(). Forward() lets us fill in the definition of a type later,
# using the << operator.
expr = pp.Forward()
# Arrays are defined as '[' (expr {',' expr}) ']'
arr = (
pp.Suppress('[') +
pp.Optional(pp.delimitedList(expr)('elements')) +
# Objects are defined as '{' (string ':' expr {',' string: expr}) '}'
keyval = string('key') + pp.Suppress(':') + expr('value')
obj = (
pp.Suppress('{') +
pp.Optional(pp.delimitedList(pp.Group(keyval))('elements')) +
# Set actions to convert them into the equivalent Python types.
def arr_action(tok):
return [list(tok.elements)]
def obj_action(tok):
return [{t.key: t.value for t in tok.elements}]
# Once we have defined obj and array in terms of expr,
# we can define expr.
expr << (boolean | null | string | number | obj | arr)
# A json document must be either an object or an array.
document = obj | arr
def loads(jsonstring):
return document.parseString(jsonstring, parseAll=True)[0]
def load(fp):
return loads(
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