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Created February 18, 2016 16:38
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import microbit, random
# from Python 3 source
def shuffle(x):
for i in reversed(range(1, len(x))):
# pick an element in x[:i+1] with which to exchange x[i]
j = int(random.random() * (i+1))
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
# correct viewport onto maze so the whole screen is always used
def correct(x,y):
if x<2: x=2
if x>size-3: x = size-3
if y<2: y=2
if y>size-3: y = size-3
return x,y
# correct player position so centred unless near the edge
def player_correct(x,y):
if x>2 and x<size-2: x=2
if x>size-3: x = 5-(size-x)
if y>2 and y<size-2: y=2
if y>size-3: y = 5-(size-y)
return x,y
# display a viewport onto the maze at position x,y
def set_grid(x,y):
x,y = correct(x,y)
for iy in range(5):
for ix in range(5):
# returns -1 to 1 from -1024 to +1024, empirically calculated
def tilt_scale(a):
a = a + 1024 # range 0 to 2048
a = min(a, 2048)
a = max(a, 0)
# < 512 = 0, 512-853(512+341) = 1, 853-1194 = 2, 1194-1536 = 3, 1536-2048 = 4
if a<512: return -1
if a<853: return 0
if a<1194: return 0
if a<1536: return 0
return 1
def get_tilt():
x,y,z = microbit.accelerometer.get_values()
x = tilt_scale(x)
y = tilt_scale(y)
z = tilt_scale(z)
return x,y,z
def shuffled(x):
y = list(x)
return y
(0, -1),
(0, 1),
(1, 0),
(-1, 0),
# code adjusted from
def make_maze(width, height, cellsize):
cellsize1 = cellsize+1 # cellsize including one wall
field_width = width*cellsize1+1
field_height = height*cellsize1+1
field = [0]*(field_width*field_height)
stack = [(0, 0, shuffled(DIRECTIONS))]
while stack:
x, y, directions = stack[-1]
dx, dy = directions.pop()
# no other ways to go from here
if not directions:
# new cell
nx = x+dx
ny = y+dy
# out of bounds
if not (0 <= nx < width and 0 <= ny < height):
# index of new cell in field
fx = 1+nx*cellsize1
fy = 1+ny*cellsize1
fi = fx+fy*field_width
# already visited
if field[fi]:
# tear down walls
if dx > 0:
a = -1
b = field_width
elif dx < 0:
a = cellsize
b = field_width
elif dy > 0:
a = -field_width
b = 1
a = cellsize*field_width
b = 1
for offset in range(cellsize):
field[fi+a+b*offset] = 1
# clear cell
for y in range(0, cellsize):
for x in range(0, cellsize):
field[fi+x+y*field_width] = 1
# visit cell
stack.append([nx, ny, shuffled(DIRECTIONS)])
for i in field:
field[i] = 1-field[i]
return field
#convert 2d coords to 1d array
def pos(x,y):
return maze[y*size+x]
def set_pos(x,y,v):
maze[y*size+x] = v
#find an empty square
def get_space():
startPos = False
while startPos == False:
x = random.randint(1,size-1)
y = random.randint(1,size-1)
if pos(x,y) == 0:
print("found startPos",x,y, pos(x,y))
startPos = True
return x,y
gameSpeed = 300
size = 6 # more than 6 runs out of memory
mazeBrightness = 1
goalBrightness = 5 # goalBrightness * mazeBrightness < 9
maze = make_maze(size,size,1)
# correct size to allow for walls etc
size = 2*size+1
# create a goal square
goalX,goalY = get_space()
# create player
x,y = get_space()
won = False
while won == False:
set_grid(x,y) # draw viewport onto maze
xv,yv,zv = get_tilt()
dx,dy = player_correct(x,y)
microbit.display.set_pixel(dx,dy,9) # draw player
# stop moving off maze
if x+xv < 0 or x+xv > size-1: xv = 0
if y+yv < 0 or y+yv > size-1: yv = 0
# if we found the goal, stop
if pos(x+xv,y+yv) == goalBrightness:
won = True
# if moving to a blank square, allow
if pos(x+xv,y+yv) == 0:
x += xv
y += yv
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mavhc commented Mar 7, 2016

This file is public domain

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