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Created February 11, 2016 16:21
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import microbit
# background oxo grid at brightness 1
gridImg = microbit.Image("01010\n"
playerBrightness = [5,8]
def check_victory():
#code slightly altered from
combinations = [
# horizontal
((0,0), (1,0), (2,0)),
((0,1), (1,1), (2,1)),
((0,2), (1,2), (2,2)),
# vertical
((0,0), (0,1), (0,2)),
((1,0), (1,1), (1,2)),
((2,0), (2,1), (2,2)),
# crossed
((0,0), (1,1), (2,2)),
((2,0), (1,1), (0,2))
for coordinates in combinations:
# our squares in are 0,2,4, so *2
squares = [microbit.display.get_pixel(x*2,y*2) for x,y in coordinates]
# cheating, as there's no possibility of this going wrong with our brightness values of 5 and 8
for i, brightness in enumerate(playerBrightness):
if sum(squares) == brightness*3:
return i+1 # returns number of player that won
return 0
def check_squares_filled():
coordinates = ((0,0), (1,0), (2,0),
(0,1), (1,1), (2,1),
(0,2), (1,2), (2,2))
squares = [microbit.display.get_pixel(x*2,y*2) for x,y in coordinates]
for square in squares:
if square == 0: return False
return True
def grid():
# returns 0 to 4 from -1024 to +1024, empirically calculated
def tilt_scale(a):
a = a + 1024 # range 0 to 2048
a = min(a, 2048)
a = max(a, 0)
# < 512 = 0, 512-853(512+341) = 1, 853-1194 = 2, 1194-1536 = 3, 1536-2048 = 4
if a<512: return 0
if a<853: return 1
if a<1194: return 2
if a<1536: return 3
return 4
def get_tilt():
x,y,z = microbit.accelerometer.get_values()
x = tilt_scale(x)
y = tilt_scale(y)
z = tilt_scale(z)
return x,y,z
# play game forever
while True:
#display grid
won = False
player = 2 # first loop switches to player 1
xpos = 2 # start in centre
ypos = 2
oldBrightness = 0 # start on dark pixel
while not won:
player = 3 - player # switch player
#print("player =",player)
goodSquare = False # goodSquare = clicked player button on a dark pixel
while not goodSquare: # loop until blank square selected
buttonPressed = False
while not buttonPressed: # loop until button pressed
#redraw previous (usually current pixel)
microbit.display.set_pixel(xpos, ypos, oldBrightness)
xpos,ypos,zpos = get_tilt()
# remember old brightness, to restore at top of loop
oldBrightness = microbit.display.get_pixel(xpos,ypos)
# make current position max brightness
microbit.display.set_pixel(xpos, ypos, 9)
# check if correct player's button is clicked
buttonPressed = (microbit.button_a.is_pressed() and player == 1) or (microbit.button_b.is_pressed() and player == 2)
# if dark pixel clicked, good square has been chosen, set brightness for current player 5 or 8
if oldBrightness == 0:
goodSquare = True
oldBrightness = playerBrightness[player-1]
microbit.display.set_pixel(xpos,ypos, oldBrightness)
squaresFilled = check_squares_filled()
if check_victory()>0:
won = True
elif squaresFilled:
won = True
player = 3
if player < 3:
microbit.display.scroll("Player "+str(player)*8+" won!!!")
microbit.display.scroll("Draw ")
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mavhc commented Mar 7, 2016

This file is public domain

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