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Last active May 22, 2017 10:53
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A simple F# Trie with stored values
module Trie
type Trie<'item, 'value when 'item : comparison> =
| Node of ('value list) * Map<'item, Trie<'item, 'value>>
| Values of 'value list
member x.values =
match x with
| Node (v, _)
| Values v -> v
module Trie =
let rec create (sequences : ('item list * 'value) list) =
match sequences with
| [] ->
Values []
| seqs ->
let ends, rest =
List.partition (fst >> List.isEmpty) seqs
let values = snd ends
match rest with
| [] -> Values values
| remaining ->
let subNodes =
|> List.groupBy (fst >> List.head)
|> (fun (key, arr) ->
key, create ( (fun (items, value) -> List.tail items, value) arr))
|> Map
Node ( snd ends, subNodes)
let potential next trie =
match trie with
| Values v ->
| Node (_, subNodes) ->
Map.tryFind next subNodes
let retrieve keys trie =
let arr = Seq.toList keys
let rec inner node items =
match node, items with
| Values v, []
| Node (v, _), [] ->
| Values _, h::t ->
| Node (_, subNodes), h::t ->
match Map.tryFind h subNodes with
| Some subNode ->
inner subNode t
| None ->
inner trie arr
let exists keys trie =
match retrieve keys trie with
| [] -> false
| _ -> true
let values (trie : Trie<_,_>) =
let rec add key value (trie : Trie<_,_>) =
match key, trie with
| [], Values vs ->
Values (value::vs)
| [], Node (vs, subNodes) ->
Node (value::vs, subNodes)
| h::t, Node (vs, subNodes) ->
match Map.tryFind h subNodes with
| Some existing ->
Node (vs, Map.add h (add t value existing) subNodes)
| None ->
Node (vs, Map.add h (create [t, value]) subNodes)
| h::t, Values vs ->
Node (value::vs, Map.add h (create [t, value]) Map.empty)
let examples =
[ [ 'a'; 'b'; 'c' ], "abc"
[ 'a'; 'b'; 'd' ], "abd"
[ 'a'; 'b'; 'd' ], "abd2"
[ 'a'; 'b' ], "ab"
[ 'b'; 'c'; 'd' ], "bcd" ]
let t =
Trie.create examples
Trie.potential 'a' t
|> Option.bind (Trie.potential 'b')
Trie.retrieve ['a';'b'] t
Trie.retrieve ['a'] t
Trie.retrieve [] t
Trie.retrieve ['a';'b';'d'] t
Trie.retrieve ['a';'b';'e'] t
Trie.exists ['a';'b'] t
Trie.exists ['a'] t
Trie.exists [] t
Trie.exists ['a';'b';'d'] t
Trie.exists ['a';'b';'e'] t
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