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Created July 8, 2015 13:24
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Monadic build for the win
#load "Fake.Shake.fsx"
#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Fake
open Fake.FscHelper
open Fake.Shake
open Fake.Shake.Core
open Fake.Shake.Control
open Fake.Shake.DefaultRules
let refReg = Regex("""^#r "(?<ref>.*)"$""", RegexOptions.Compiled)
let sourceReg = Regex("""^#load "(?<src>.*)"$""", RegexOptions.Compiled)
let dllReg = Regex("""output/.*.dll""", RegexOptions.Compiled)
let packageReg = Regex("""packages/.*.[dll|exe]""", RegexOptions.Compiled)
let outputDir =
Action = fun (Key k) -> action { return ensureDirectory k }
Provides = fun (Key k) -> k = "output"
ValidStored = defaultDir.ValidStored
let compileLib =
Action =
fun (Key k) -> action {
tracefn "Building %s" k
let sourceFile =
k |> filename |> changeExt "fsx"
let! lines =
readLines sourceFile
let refs =
|> List.filter (fun l -> refReg.IsMatch l)
|> (fun l -> refReg.Match(l).Groups.["ref"].Value)
let copyLocalRefs =
|> List.filter (fun ref -> filename ref <> ref)
do! require (Key "output")
let copyLocal localRef =
let target = "output" @@ (filename localRef)
if not <| File.Exists target then
CopyFile target localRef
Key target
do! needs (copyLocalRefs |> Key)
do! needs (copyLocalRefs |> copyLocal)
let otherSourceFiles =
|> List.filter (fun l -> sourceReg.IsMatch l)
|> (fun l -> sourceReg.Match(l).Groups.["src"].Value)
do! needs (otherSourceFiles |> Key)
let setParams (p : FscParams) =
{ p with
Debug = false
FscTarget = Library
Platform = AnyCpu
Output = k
References = refs }
do Fsc setParams (otherSourceFiles @ [sourceFile])
return! defaultFile.Action (Key k)
Provides = fun (Key k) -> dllReg.IsMatch k && File.Exists (k |> filename |> changeExt "fsx")
ValidStored = defaultFile.ValidStored
let runTests =
Provides = fun (Key k) -> k = "TestResult.xml"
Action =
fun (Key k) ->
action {
do! need (Key "output/Fake.Shake.Tests.dll")
NUnit id ["output/Fake.Shake.Tests.dll"]
return! defaultFile.Action (Key "TestResult.xml")
ValidStored = defaultFile.ValidStored
let main =
Provides = fun (Key k) -> k = "main"
Action =
fun (Key k) -> action { do! need (Key "TestResult.xml") }
ValidStored = fun (Key k) _ -> true
let rules : IRule list = [main;outputDir;compileLib;runTests]
#time "on"
do build (rules @ allDefaults) (Key "main")
#time "off"
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