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Last active January 20, 2017 22:47
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including the mode (e.g. "reflect", "wrap") into transform_img
import numpy as np
import imreg_dft
from scipy.misc import ascent
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation as ndii
import imreg_dft.utils as utils
def _get_pads_and_slices(shape_src, shape_dest):
"""returns correct pads, slices for transforming shape_src to shape_dest"""
diff = tuple(s1 - s2 for s1, s2 in zip(shape_dest, shape_src))
slices = tuple(slice((-d) // 2, -(((-d) + 1) // 2)) if d < 0 else slice(None, None) for d in diff)
pads = tuple((d // 2, d - (d // 2)) if d > 0 else (0, 0) for d in diff)
return pads, slices
def _to_shape(img, shape_dest, mode="constant", bgval = 0 ):
"""resizes img to shape woth the correct padding mode"""
shape_src = img.shape
if shape_src == shape_dest:
return img
pads, slices = _get_pads_and_slices(shape_src, shape_dest)
kwargs = {}
kwargs.update({"constant_values":bgval} if mode == "constant" else {})
return np.pad(img, pads, mode=mode, **kwargs)[slices]
# changes transform_img
def transform_img_with_mode(img, scale=1.0, angle=0.0, tvec=(0, 0),
mode="constant", bgval=None, order=1):
Return translation vector to register images.
img (2D or 3D numpy array): What will be transformed.
If a 3D array is passed, it is treated in a manner in which RGB
images are supposed to be handled - i.e. assume that coordinates
are (Y, X, channels).
scale (float): The scale factor (scale > 1.0 means zooming in)
angle (float): Degrees of rotation (clock-wise)
tvec (2-tuple): Pixel translation vector, Y and X component.
mode (string): The transformation mode (refer to e.g.
:func:`scipy.ndimage.shift` and its kwarg ``mode``).
bgval (float): Shade of the background (filling during transformations)
If None is passed, :func:`imreg_dft.utils.get_borderval` with
radius of 5 is used to get it.
order (int): Order of approximation (when doing transformations). 1 =
linear, 3 = cubic etc. Linear works surprisingly well.
np.ndarray: The transformed img, may have another
i.e. (bigger) shape than the source.
if img.ndim == 3:
# A bloody painful special case of RGB images
ret = np.empty_like(img)
for idx in range(img.shape[2]):
sli = (slice(None), slice(None), idx)
ret[sli] = transform_img(img[sli], scale, angle, tvec,
mode, bgval, order)
return ret
if bgval is None:
bgval = utils.get_borderval(img)
bigshape = list(np.round(np.array(img.shape) * 1.2).astype(int))
# change here
dest0 = _to_shape(img.copy(), bigshape, mode=mode, bgval = bgval)
if scale != 1.0:
dest0 = ndii.zoom(dest0, scale, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)
if angle != 0.0:
dest0 = ndii.rotate(dest0, angle, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)
if tvec[0] != 0 or tvec[1] != 0:
dest0 = ndii.shift(dest0, tvec, order=order, mode=mode, cval=bgval)
# change here
dest = _to_shape(dest0, img.shape, mode=mode,bgval = bgval)
return dest
im = ascent()
# baseline from ndimage
out = ndii.shift(im, [100,100], mode ="reflect")
# mode is ignored here
out1 = imreg_dft.transform_img(im, tvec=[100,100], mode="reflect")
# this works
out2 = transform_img_with_mode(im, tvec=[100,100], mode="reflect")
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