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Import-Module WebAdministration
$results = Get-ChildItem "IIS:\SslBindings\" | ForEach-Object {
$store = $_.Store
$thumbprint = $_.Thumbprint
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\$store | Where-Object { $_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint }
Host = $_.Host;
mawiseman / UrlRewriteRules.config
Created February 28, 2023 22:11
Default web.config rewrite rules
<rule name="ForceWWW" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" ignoreCase="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^" />
<action type="Redirect" url="{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" />
<rule name="HTTPtoHTTPS" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />
mawiseman / powershell-convert-svg-to-png
Created May 17, 2021 06:24
Users powershell to convert batch convert svg to png
$inkscapePath = "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin\"
# Get files to process
$sourcePath ="[[UPDATE WITH YOUR PAT]]"
$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -File -Recurse -Filter *.svg
mawiseman / powershell-generate-gallery.ps1
Created May 17, 2021 06:23
Create a quick html page displaying all images under the target irectory
mawiseman / powershell-iis-and-default-modules.ps1
Created November 18, 2019 00:26
Installs the required modules to run IIS (and some other i use for development)
# Allow remote scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
# Install SqlServer powershell modules
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name SqlServer
# Misc
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -All
mawiseman / chocolatey-packages.config
Last active October 15, 2021 03:23
Chocolatey package file to install default applications
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- choco install chocolatey-packages.config -y -->
<!-- Windows Features -->
<package id="webdeploy" />
<package id="urlrewrite" />
<!-- Default Apps -->
<package id="googlechrome" />
<package id="firefox" />
mawiseman / sxa-regenerate-optimised-assets.ps1
Last active April 1, 2022 09:31
Sitecore SXA regenerate optimised files
# Run this script in Sitecore Powershell Extensions
# It will delete the minifed files from master and publish the deletions to web
# Next time the site is visited they should be re-generated (if they aren't check your settings
# TODO: When publishing, there might be a better way to target folders in the media library instead of the hardcoded list
$masterItems = Get-Item -Path master: -Query "/sitecore/media library//*[@@key='optimized-min']"
$webItems = Get-Item -Path web: -Query "/sitecore/media library//*[@@key='optimized-min']"
Write-Host "Master Items: $($masterItems.length)"
mawiseman / delete-azure-deployments.ps1
Last active May 2, 2019 07:13
Delete Azure Deployments
# This script will delete all deployments in an Azure resource group older than X Days
# You can use this script to count hom many deployments exist: Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup | measure
# Variables
$subscriptionName = '{{azure subscription name}}'
$resourceGroupName = '{{azure resource group name}}'
$daysOldToDelete = -150
mawiseman / SQLServer2016ConfigurationFile.ini
Last active January 12, 2021 03:14
Automate SQL Server 2016 install with Management Studio
;SQL Server 2016 Configuration File
; Specifies a Setup work flow, like INSTALL, UNINSTALL, or UPGRADE. This is a required parameter.
; Specifies that SQL Server Setup should not display the privacy statement when ran from the command line.
mawiseman / SitecoreViewGetRelatedItemsPipeline
Last active December 5, 2018 04:52
Sitecore admin page to display a list of related items during publish. Just place a copy this to your websites \sitecore\admin\ViewRelatedItems.aspx and run via the browser
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections.Generic" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Linq" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Sitecore.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Sitecore.Globalization" %>