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Created February 15, 2023 21:46
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Replacing ReadRuler with an R function (as the site will shut down on May 1st)
# Replacement for Read Ruler
# which is going to be deactivated on May 1st, 2023
# make sure to set up an app and the authentication in Pocket's interface:
# parameters:
# words_per_minute: avg. reading speed in words per minute
# minute_groups: vector indicating which limits to use for the reading time groups
read_ruler <- function(words_per_minute = 500, minute_groups = c(1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75)) {
# get queue
data_unread <- pocket_get(state = "unread")
# subset: which articles have no "min" tag?
data_unread_new <- data_unread[!grepl(pattern="min", x = data_unread$tags, fixed = TRUE), ]
# round it on the conservative side
data_unread_new$reading_time_minutes <- ceiling(data_unread_new$word_count / words_per_minute)
data_unread_new$reading_time_grouped <- cut(x = data_unread_new$reading_time_minutes,
breaks = c(-Inf, minute_groups, Inf),
labels = c(
paste0(minute_groups, "min"),
paste0(">", minute_groups[length(minute_groups)])
right = TRUE,
include.lowest = TRUE)
# creating a list, separated by minute group
data_unread_new_split <- split(data_unread_new, data_unread_new$reading_time_grouped)
# loop over all minute groups and set the corresponding tag
for (group in 1:length(data_unread_new_split)) {
# check that we actually have articles in the group
if(nrow(data_unread_new_split[[group]]) > 0) {
# then add the tag for the corresponding IDs with the corresponding estimated reading time
pocket_tag(action_name = "tags_add",
item_ids = data_unread_new_split[[group]]$item_id,
tags = unique(data_unread_new_split[[group]]$reading_time_grouped))
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