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Created February 9, 2020 14:42
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Salt minion system boot beacon
# Save into salt://_beacons/ and then run
# saltutil.sync_beacons
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
__virtualname__ = 'system_boot'
def beacon(config):
- interval: 5
- threshold: 180
_config = {}
list(map(_config.update, config))
ret = []
threshold = _config.get('threshold', 180)
if __virtualname__ not in __context__:
__context__[__virtualname__] = True
uptime = __salt__['status.uptime']()
if not isinstance(uptime, (int, float)):
uptime = uptime['seconds']
uptime = int(uptime)
if uptime < threshold:
ret.append({'uptime': uptime})
return ret
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