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Last active July 13, 2024 20:29
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Dynamic Firestore Image Resizing Function > Complete #2
import * as path from "path";
import * as zlib from "zlib";
import { PassThrough } from "stream";
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import * as log from "firebase-functions/lib/logger";
import * as sharp from "sharp";
import { empty } from "ramda";
type Request<P> = import("firebase-functions").Request<P>;
type Response = import("firebase-functions").Response;
interface RequestParams {
0?: string;
interface RequestQuery {
w?: string;
h?: string;
q?: string;
dpr?: string;
const SHARP_FORMATS = Object.values(sharp.format);
({ input, output }) => input.buffer && output.buffer
).map(({ id }) => `image/${id}`);
const FORMAT_WEBP = "image/webp";
const DEFAULT_MAX_AGE = "31536000";
const DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL = `public, max-age=${DEFAULT_MAX_AGE}, s-maxage=${DEFAULT_MAX_AGE}`;
export const dynamicImages = functions.https.onRequest(async (request, response) => {
const bucket =;
// From the URL we want to get some params
const {
}: { query: RequestQuery; params: RequestParams } = request;
const { 0: urlparam = "" } = params;
// Parse these params to integers
let width = query.w && parseInt(query.w);
let height = query.h && parseInt(query.h);
const quality = query.q && parseInt(query.q);
const dpr = query.dpr && parseInt(query.dpr);
if (dpr && !isNaN(dpr)) {
width = width && !isNaN(width) ? width * dpr : width;
height = height && !isNaN(height) ? height * dpr : width;
// We need to strip the leading "/" in he URL
const filepath = urlparam.replace(/^\/+/, "");
// If you don't have a filepath then return a 404
if (!filepath || !filepath.length) {
`No filepath passed in URL. Params:`,
empty(request.query) ? "none provided" : request.query
// Check that the request params can be made into numbers
if (
(width && isNaN(width as any)) ||
(height && isNaN(height as any)) ||
(quality && isNaN(quality as any))
) {
`Non NaN parameters in the query. Width: ${width} Height: ${height} Quality: ${quality}`
`Resizing ${filepath} to width: ${width || "auto"} height: ${
height || "auto"
// Get a ref to the file
const ref = bucket.file(filepath);
const [isExists] = await ref.exists();
// If the file doesn't exist then we 404
if (!isExists) {
log.warn(`404 returned for ${filepath}`);
// Get the metadata we will need for this file
const {
contentType: sourceContentType,
cacheControl: sourceCacheControl,
name: sourcePath,
} = ref.metadata;
// Does sharp accept this contentType
const isSupportedBySharp = SHARP_SUPPORTED_FORMATS.includes(
// Will we be doing a transform
const isTransformed = Boolean(
isSupportedBySharp && (width || height || quality)
// What will our output format. Namely, can we send webp back.
const isWebpTransform = !!request.accepts(FORMAT_WEBP) && isTransformed;
// Get the filename and amend with webp if needed
const contentType = isWebpTransform ? FORMAT_WEBP : sourceContentType;
const sourceext = path.extname(sourcePath);
const filename = path.basename(sourcePath, sourceext);
// Create the content disposition
const dispositionfilename = isWebpTransform
? filename + ".webp"
: filename + sourceext;
// Create some opts for Sharp
// Do this seperately because the typing on it is bad
const resizeOpts: any = { width, height, fit: "inside" };
const formatOpts: any = { quality };
const format = SHARP_FORMATS.find(
(f) => === contentType.replace("image/", "")
// What sort of compression can we supply
let encoder: zlib.BrotliCompress | zlib.Gzip | zlib.Deflate | PassThrough;
let encodingAlogrithm: string | undefined;
const encodingPreference = request.acceptsEncodings();
// We start with brotli. Then we just pick your preference
if (encodingPreference.includes("br")) {
encoder = zlib.createBrotliCompress();
encodingAlogrithm = "br";
} else if (encodingPreference[0] === "gzip") {
encoder = zlib.createGzip();
encodingAlogrithm = "gzip";
} else if (encodingPreference[0] === "deflate") {
encoder = zlib.createDeflate();
encodingAlogrithm = "deflate";
} else encoder = new PassThrough();
`Encoding with ${encodingAlogrithm} given encoding preference`,
// Create each header
const cacheControl = sourceCacheControl || DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL;
const contentDisposition = `inline; filename=${dispositionfilename}`;
const contentEncoding = encodingAlogrithm;
const xIsTransformed = isTransformed.toString();
const xGeneration = new Date().toISOString();
// Write our response headers
response.setHeader("x-gfn-istransformed", xIsTransformed);
response.setHeader("x-gfn-generation", xGeneration);
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", cacheControl);
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition);
contentEncoding && response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", contentEncoding);
// If we want to do a transform then we pipe to Sharp.
// Otherwise pipe direct to the response
const pipeline = sharp();
const destination = isTransformed ? pipeline : encoder;
log.log(`Piping out put to ${isTransformed ? "Sharp" : "response"}`);
// Pipe the sharp stream back to the browser
// Pipe the sharp pipeline to the response
if (isTransformed)
pipeline.resize(resizeOpts).toFormat(format, formatOpts).pipe(encoder);
// Pipe the encoder out to the response
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