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Created January 14, 2012 02:27
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streaming functional transformer for couchdb using node
var request = require('request').defaults({json: true}),
transfuse = require('transfuse'),
JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
function transform(couchdb, funcString, headers) {
var down = request({url: couchdb + '/_all_docs?include_docs=true'}),
up = request({url: couchdb + '/_bulk_docs', method: "POST", headers: headers}),
tr = transfuse(['rows', /./, 'doc'], funcString, JSONStream.stringify("{\"docs\":[\n", "\n,\n", "\n]}\n"));
// transform('http://localhost:5984/cats', 'function(doc, map) { doc.type = "cat"; map(doc) }')
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transfuse uses vm.runInNewContext to execute the funcString argument if it is a string. otherwise it just uses the function you pass in

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dscape commented Jan 14, 2012

awesome stuff :)

just dont stream large documents cause jsonparse buffers them and mem usage will increase and performance will be slower, more prone to errors, etc

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only n00bz store large documents anyway :D

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dscape commented Jan 14, 2012

yeah :) but you might be streaming something large into couch :)

also selectors like mikeal suggested really help performance. I only implemented simple dot notation but in the best case scenario you could go from taking 2 seconds to parse npmjs to 0.05.

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