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Last active November 24, 2021 17:35
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Typescript spy mock pattern example
* global describe
namespace Command {
export type NotAsync = String
* Generic interface basead in design pattern:
* Example returning Promise type Response
* ```ts
* interface Mail extends Command<string, string>{}
* class MailService implements Mail {
execute(p: Mail.Params): Promise<Mail.Response> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.")
* ```
* ---
* Example returning simple type Response
* ```ts
* interface Mail extends Command<string, string, Command.NotAsync>{}
* class MailService implements Mail {
execute(p: Mail.Params): Mail.Response {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.")
* ```
interface Command<R = any, P = any, IsAsync = Boolean> {
execute(p: P): IsAsync extends Boolean ? Promise<R> : R
namespace SendMail {
export type Params = {
mail: string
export type Response = {
sent: boolean
* Use Case Mail
interface SendMail extends Command<SendMail.Response, SendMail.Params>{}
* Implemetation of use case Mail
class MailService implements SendMail {
public async execute(p: SendMail.Params): Promise<SendMail.Response> {
// imagine implemetation of send email here
return {
sent: false
* Imagine implemetation of controller
class MailController {
constructor (private readonly sendMail: SendMail) {}
public async handle(request: any) {
const emailSent = await this.sendMail.execute({ mail: request.mail })
if (!emailSent.sent) {
return {
status: 400,
error: 'error to send email',
return {
status: 200,
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// In Tests
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* Generic class for mocks
abstract class SpyAsyncMock<P = any, R = any> implements Command<R, P> {
params: P = '' as unknown as P
result: R = '' as unknown as R
calls = 0
public call() {
this.calls += 1
public async execute(p: P) {
this.params = p
return this.result as R
class SendMailSpy extends SpyAsyncMock<SendMail.Params, SendMail.Response> implements SendMail {}
type Sut = {
sut: MailController
mailService: SendMailSpy
* factory for unit tests
const makeSut = (): Sut => {
const mailService = new SendMailSpy()
const sut = new MailController(mailService);
return {
mailService, sut,
describe('Unit Tests', () => {
it('should call email service and success status', async () => {
// You don't need use jest.spyOn or mockImplemetation if use spy mock pattern
const { sut, mailService } = makeSut()
mailService.result = {
sent: true
await expect(sut.handle({ mail: '' })).toBe({ status: 200 })
it('should call email service and error status', async () => {
// You don't need use jest.spyOn or mockImplemetation if use spy mock pattern
const { sut, mailService } = makeSut()
mailService.result = {
sent: false
await expect(sut.handle({ mail: '' })).toBe({ status: 400, message: 'error to send email' })
// Utils function if you don't like create class of spies.
const generateSpyClass = <P, R>(): SpyAsyncMock<P, R> => {
const t = new (class extends SpyAsyncMock<P, R> {})()
return t
/* example */
const anotherMailSpy = generateSpyClass<SendMail.Params, SendMail.Response>()
anotherMailSpy.result = { sent: true }
const controllerWithSpy = new MailController(anotherMailSpy)
const response = controllerWithSpy.handle({ mail: 'dsdsadsa' })
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