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Created February 9, 2012 22:32
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns #-}
module AccessorTemplateExpr where
import Language.Haskell.TH (reify, runIO, Info(TyConI), Dec(DataD), ppr, Con(NormalC, RecC), newName,
tupE, appE, lamE, varE, conE,
conP, varP, wildP)
import Data.Accessor.Basic (fromSetGet)
makeAccessors typeName = do
info <- reify typeName
case info of
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ [getSimpleConstructor -> Just (name, n)] _) -> do
fs <- sequence (replicate n (newName "field"))
val <- newName "val"
tupE (map (makeAccN name fs val) [0 .. (n - 1)])
_ -> fail ("makeAccessors: unsupported data: " ++ show (ppr info))
getSimpleConstructor c = case c of
NormalC name args -> Just (name, length args)
RecC name args -> Just (name, length args)
_ -> Nothing
-- fromSetGet (\val ($name field0 .. _ .. field{N-1}) -> $name field0 .. val .. field{N-1})
-- (\($name _ .. val .. _) -> val)
makeAccN name fs val k = appE (appE (varE 'fromSetGet) set) get
set = lamE [varP val, conP name fsSetPat] (foldl appE (conE name) fsSetRes)
get = lamE [conP name fsGetPat] (varE val)
fsSetRes = map varE (fsH ++ [val] ++ fsT)
fsSetPat = map varP fsH ++ [wildP] ++ map varP fsT
fsGetPat = replicate k wildP ++ [varP val] ++ replicate (n - k - 1) wildP
n = length fs
(fsH, (_ : fsT)) = splitAt k fs
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module AccessorTemplateExprTest where
import AccessorTemplateExpr (makeAccessors)
data D = D Int Int Int
(acc1, acc2, acc3) = $(makeAccessors ''D)
data E = E {a :: Int, b :: String, c :: Double}
(acc4, acc5, acc6) = $(makeAccessors ''E)
{- this would produce an error
data F = Int :+ Int
_ = $(makeAccessors ''F)
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