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Created February 8, 2016 09:49
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Monad.Trans.State replacement which uses IORef and keeps state across exceptions
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module MonadStateIO (evalStateT,execStateT) where
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as MC
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as MT
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MTS
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as MTR
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as MR
import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as MIO
import qualified Data.IORef as R
newtype RefTag s = RefTag { getRef :: R.IORef s }
type IOStateT s m a = App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m) a
instance MIO.MonadIO m => MS.MonadIO (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
liftIO f = App.WrapMonad (MIO.liftIO f)
instance MIO.MonadIO m => MS.MonadState s (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
get = App.WrapMonad (MR.ask >>= (MIO.liftIO . R.readIORef . getRef))
put val = App.WrapMonad (MR.ask >>= (MIO.liftIO . (`R.writeIORef` val) . getRef))
state func = App.WrapMonad (MR.ask >>= (MIO.liftIO . (\ref -> R.atomicModifyIORef ref (swap . func)) . getRef))
instance MR.MonadReader r m => MR.MonadReader r (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
ask = App.WrapMonad (MT.lift MR.ask)
reader f = App.WrapMonad (MT.lift $ MR.reader f)
local f (App.WrapMonad (MTR.ReaderT sub)) = App.WrapMonad (MTR.ReaderT (\v -> MR.local f (sub v)))
instance MC.MonadThrow m => MC.MonadThrow (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
throwM ex = App.WrapMonad (MC.throwM ex)
instance MC.MonadCatch m => MC.MonadCatch (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
catch (App.WrapMonad body) handler = App.WrapMonad impl
impl = MC.catch
(App.unwrapMonad . handler)
-- this was hard one; borrowed from `MonadMask m => MonadMask (IdentityT m)` code
instance MC.MonadMask m => MC.MonadMask (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) where
mask mkBody0 = App.WrapMonad (MC.mask (\rest -> App.unwrapMonad (mkBody0 $ w rest)))
w :: ((MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m) a -> (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m) a) -> (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) a -> (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) a
w rest = App.WrapMonad . rest . App.unwrapMonad
uninterruptibleMask mkBody0 = App.WrapMonad (MC.uninterruptibleMask (\rest -> App.unwrapMonad (mkBody0 $ w rest)))
w :: ((MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m) a -> (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m) a) -> (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) a -> (App.WrappedMonad (MTR.ReaderT (RefTag s) m)) a
w rest = App.WrapMonad . rest . App.unwrapMonad
runIOStateT :: MIO.MonadIO m => IOStateT s m a -> s -> m (R.IORef s, a)
runIOStateT (App.WrapMonad func) initS = do
ref <- MIO.liftIO $ R.newIORef initS
result <- MTR.runReaderT func (RefTag ref)
pure (ref,result)
evalStateT :: MIO.MonadIO m => IOStateT s m a -> s -> m a
evalStateT func initS = fmap snd (runIOStateT func initS)
execStateT :: MIO.MonadIO m => IOStateT s m a -> s -> m s
execStateT func initS = do
(ref,_) <- runIOStateT func initS
MIO.liftIO $ R.readIORef ref
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