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Created July 31, 2015 19:22
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OSBS + OpenShift Notes (namespaced and multi-tenant)


  • atomic-reactor and osbs from my COPR my COPR (latest from upstream git)
  • openshift-ansible upstream for installation of OpenShift
  • for "lab environment" DNS setup, use dnsmasq OpenShift docs
    • The example here is a single-node deployment named with the * configured as in the doc
  • Turns out you don't need a fully functional OpenShift environment to run OSBS
    • Can work without openshift-router and openshift-docker-registry
    • Probably not best



Install OpenShift using openshift-ansbile

For my installation the steps were the following (vary based on deployment environment)

$ git clone
# Create inventory.txt based on openshift-ansible docs
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/byo/config.yml -i inventory.txt

$ oadm router --create=true \

# Create mountpoint for docker-registry persistant storage
$ mkdir /var/lib/openshift/docker-registry

# Setup service account for the registry
$ echo \
	'{"kind":"ServiceAccount","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{"name":"registry"}}' \
	| oc create -f -

# Add a line under users with the user name system:serviceaccount:default:registry.
$  oc edit scc privileged

$ oadm registry \
	--service-account=registry \
	--config=admin.kubeconfig \
	--credentials=openshift-registry.kubeconfig \

# Will need this later	
$ REGISTRY_IP=$(awk '{ print $4 }' < <(oc get svc docker-registry --no-headers))


Install OpenShift using

Follow OpenShift Enterprise install guide

Install atomic-reactor and osbs

Setup COPR

$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
$ wget -c
$ yum -y install atomic-reactor osbs
# Make sure to have the right version of python-requests (pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: requests>=2.2.1,<2.5.0)
# python-requests-2.4.3-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm is available in the COPR

Prep the atomic-reactor build environment

$ atomic-reactor create-build-image --reactor-tarball-path /usr/share/atomic-reactor/atomic-reactor.tar.gz /usr/share/atomic-reactor/images/dockerhost-builder buildroot

## Login as the builder
$ oc login
Username: builder
$ oc new-project builder

# The default docker registry performs auth against the OpenShift login tokens
$ docker login -u builder -e -p $(oc whoami -t) ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000

# Note the OpenShift namespace 
$ docker tag buildroot ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000/builder/buildroot
$ docker push ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000/builder/buildroot 
$ docker pull fedora
$ docker tag fedora ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000/builder/fedora
$ docker push ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000/builder/fedora

NOTE: This is only if we want to use the auto-push to registry feature (I think)

Set authorization policies to allow builder (this might be wide open, need to investigate authorization more)

$ oadm policy add-role-to-group edit system:unauthenticated system:authenticated
$ oadm policy add-role-to-group edit system:authenticated
$ oadm policy add-role-to-group edit --namespace=builder system:unauthenticated system:authenticated

Configure OSBS client (/etc/osbs.conf)

build_json_dir = /usr/share/osbs/

openshift_uri =
# if you want to get packages from koji (koji plugin in dock)
# you need to setup koji hub and root
# this sample is for fedora
koji_root =
koji_hub =
# in case of using artifacts plugin, you should provide a command
# how to fetch artifacts
sources_command = fedpkg sources
# from where should be images pulled and where should be pushed?
registry_uri = ${REGISTRY_IP}:5000
verify_ssl = false
build_type = simple


$ osbs --namespace builder build -g -c test-image -u builder

$ osbs --namespace builder list-builds
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