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Created June 30, 2014 16:18
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How to script portforwarding for Swisscom routers.
# <scriptname> <router> <routerusername> <routerpassword> <host>
set timeout 20; #If it all goes pear shaped the script will timeout after 20 seconds.
set router [lindex $argv 0]; # First argument is router (
set user [lindex $argv 1]; # Second argument is user (admin)
set password [lindex $argv 2]; # Third argument is password (secret)
set nas [lindex $argv 3]; # Second argument is your NAS you which to forward ports to
spawn telnet $router; # This spawns the telnet program and connects it to the variable name
expect "Login: ";
send "$user\r";
expect "Password:";
send "$password\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap del nas-znc\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap add nas-znc 8251 $nas 8251 tcp\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap del nas-http\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap add nas-http 5000 $nas 5000 tcp\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap del nas-https\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "portmap add nas-https 5001 $nas 5001 tcp\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "save\r";
expect "ADB# ";
send "exit\r";
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