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Created January 31, 2022 17:44
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Code from wordle blog post
import numpy as np
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Literal, Tuple, Callable, TypeVar, Optional
K, V = TypeVar("K"), TypeVar("V")
def merge(A: dict[K, V], B: dict[K, V], f: Callable[[V, V], V]) -> dict[K, V]:
"""Function to merge two dictionaries, A and B.
If any keys are in both, apply f(a, b) to the values and put the
result of this function under the key
merged = {k: A.get(k, B.get(k)) for k in A.keys() ^ B.keys()}
merged.update({k: f(A[k], B[k]) for k in A.keys() & B.keys()})
return merged
class Unplaced:
"""Function to describe an unplaced entry.
If complete is true, then we know the amount of this letter that the
answer must contain, otherwise we only know that the answer must contain
at least `number` of this letter.
The character must not be in any position in positions
complete: bool
number: int
positions: set[int]
def __add__(self, other: "Unplaced") -> "Unplaced":
return Unplaced(
self.complete or other.complete,
max(self.number, other.number),
self.positions | other.positions,
class Knowledge:
"""Class to describe the set of knowledge about the answer
`not_contained` contains the letters not contained in the answer
`placed` contains the set of letters and their positions in the answer
`unplaced` contains the letters which we don't know the positions of -
only the positions they aren't in, and the number there are
not_contained: set[str] = field(default_factory=set)
placed: set[tuple[int, str]] = field(default_factory=set)
unplaced: dict[str, Unplaced] = field(default_factory=dict)
def __add__(self, other: "Knowledge") -> "Knowledge":
return Knowledge(
not_contained=self.not_contained | other.not_contained,
placed=self.placed | other.placed,
unplaced=merge(self.unplaced, other.unplaced, lambda a, b: a + b),
def complete(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if we have complete knowledge of the word
return len(self.placed) == 5
def contains(self, word: str) -> bool:
"""Return true if the word fits the knowledge
False otherwise
if any(i in word for i in self.not_contained):
return False
if any(word[i] != c for (i, c) in self.placed):
return False
for (c, unplaced) in self.unplaced.items():
count = 0
for i, l in enumerate(word):
if l == c:
if i in unplaced.positions:
return False
count += 1
if unplaced.complete and count != unplaced.number:
return False
elif (not unplaced.complete) and unplaced.number > count:
return False
return True
def oracle(word: str, answer: str) -> Knowledge:
"""Return the wordle results for the given word and answer"""
answer_list: list[str | None] = list(answer)
placed: set[tuple[int, str]] = set()
others: dict[str, list[bool | set[int]]] = defaultdict(
lambda: [False, set()]
for (i, (w, a)) in enumerate(zip(word, answer)):
if w == a:
placed.add((i, w))
for j, c in enumerate(answer_list):
if c == w:
answer_list[j] = None
others[w][0] = True
not_contained: set[str] = set()
unplaced: dict[str, Unplaced] = dict()
for (w, (b, l)) in others.items():
if len(l) == 0:
unplaced[w] = Unplaced(b, len(l), l)
return Knowledge(
not_contained=not_contained, placed=placed, unplaced=unplaced
def l(w1: str, w2: str, k: Knowledge, W: list[str], guesses: list[str], answers: list[str]) -> Optional[int]:
"""Find the number of guesses needed to get from w1 to w2"""
if w1 == w2:
return 1
updated_knowledge = oracle(w1, w2) + k
if (best_guess := b(updated_knowledge, W, guesses, answers)) is not None and (
next_length := l(best_guess, w2, updated_knowledge, W, guesses, answers)
return 1 + next_length
return None
def average_length(
w: str, answers: list[str], k: Knowledge, W: list[str], guesses: list[str]
) -> Optional[int]:
total_distance = 0
for a in answers:
if (distance := l(w, a, k, W, guesses, answers)) is not None:
total_distance += distance
return None
return total_distance
def b(
k: Knowledge,
W: list[str],
guesses: list[str] = None,
answers: list[str] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
"""Find the best guess out of the collection of words W"""
if guesses is None:
guesses = []
elif len(guesses) > 6:
# turn limit has been reached - there's no best word here
return None
if answers is None:
answers = [w for w in W if k.contains(w)]
answers = [w for w in answers if k.contains(w)]
if len(answers) == 1:
return answers[0]
min_vals: Optional[tuple[str, int]] = None
for w in W:
if (
w not in guesses
and (al := average_length(w, answers, k, W, guesses + [w]))
is not None
if min_vals is None or al < min_vals[1]:
min_vals = (w, al)
if min_vals is None:
return None
return min_vals[0]
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