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Created December 12, 2017 03:39
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Rough draft of how to implement connected component labelling using disjoint sets
package main
import (
_ "image/png"
type Pos struct {
x, y int
type DisjointSet struct {
parents map[Pos]Pos
size map[Pos]int
labels map[Pos]int
func newDisjointSet() *DisjointSet {
return &DisjointSet{
parents: make(map[Pos]Pos),
size: make(map[Pos]int),
labels: make(map[Pos]int),
func (s *DisjointSet) add(x Pos, l int) {
// ignore already registered
_, ok := s.size[x]
if ok {
s.labels[x] = l
s.parents[x] = x
s.size[x] = 1
func (s *DisjointSet) find(x Pos) Pos {
if s.parents[x] == x {
return x
return s.find(s.parents[x])
func (s *DisjointSet) union(s1 Pos, l1 int, s2 Pos, l2 int) {
r1 := s.find(s1)
r2 := s.find(s2)
// already in the same set
if r1 == r2 {
fmt.Printf("union of %#v and %#v (%d %d)\n", s1, s2, l1, l2)
fmt.Printf("cur root %#v and %#v (%d %d)\n", r1, r2, s.labels[r1], s.labels[r2])
if s.size[r1] >= s.size[r2] {
// make r1 parent of r2
s.size[r1] = s.size[r1] + s.size[r2]
s.parents[r2] = r1
s.labels[r1] = minInt(s.labels[r1], l1, l2)
fmt.Printf("\t %d %d %d %d\n", s.labels[r2], l1, l2, minInt(4, 4, 4))
println("\t A root label ", s.labels[r1])
} else {
// make r2 parent of r1
s.size[r2] = s.size[r1] + s.size[r2]
s.parents[r1] = r2
s.labels[r2] = minInt(s.labels[r2], l1, l2)
println("\t B root label ", s.labels[r2])
func (s *DisjointSet) sameComponent(s1, s2 Pos) bool {
return s.find(s1) == s.find(s2)
func minInt(vals int {
var tmp = 0
for _, val := range vals {
if tmp == 0 && val != 0 {
tmp = val
if val == 0 { // 0 is just placeholder
if val < tmp {
tmp = val
return tmp
var labels [6][5]int // @FIXME change hardcoded labels size
func main() {
reader, err := os.Open("/Users/max/Desktop/frob-tiny.png")
if err != nil {
defer reader.Close()
m, _, err := image.Decode(reader)
if err != nil {
bounds := m.Bounds()
set := newDisjointSet()
var labelCount = 1
for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
r, _, _, _ := m.At(x, y).RGBA()
color := int(r / 257)
curPos := Pos{x, y}
// get neighbors in same color
neighbors := neighbors(m, x, y, bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y, color)
// get min label value from all labelled neighbors
minNeighbor, minLabel := min(neighbors)
// none of the neighbors has been labelled yet, label this cell
if minNeighbor == nil {
set.add(curPos, labelCount)
labels[x][y] = labelCount
// store equivalence relation between current cell and its neighbors
// notice: the neighbors don't necessarily have the same label as the current cell,
// but they do have the same _color_ as the current cell
for neighPos, neighLabel := range neighbors {
set.add(neighPos, neighLabel)
set.union(curPos, labelCount, neighPos, neighLabel)
set.add(curPos, minLabel)
// store equivalence relation between current cell and its neighbors
// notice: the neighbors don't necessarily have the same label as the current cell,
// but they do have the same _color_ as the current cell
for neighPos, neighLabel := range neighbors {
set.add(neighPos, neighLabel)
set.union(curPos, minLabel, neighPos, neighLabel)
// @TODO define more invariant asserts?
// find the parent of the set the min neighbor belongs to
parentPos := set.find(*minNeighbor)
set.union(curPos, minLabel, parentPos, minLabel)
labels[x][y] = set.labels[parentPos]
// sanity check
r2, _, _, _ := m.At(parentPos.x, parentPos.y).RGBA()
color2 := int(r2 / 257)
if color != color2 {
println("FAIL at", x, y, "parent is supposed to be", parentPos.x, parentPos.y)
// second pass, assign the cell the min label of the connected component it belongs to
for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
// @TODO assert parent pos is smaller?
parentPos := set.find(Pos{x, y})
labels[x][y] = set.labels[parentPos]
// dump the results
for y := bounds.Min.Y; y < bounds.Max.Y; y++ {
for x := bounds.Min.X; x < bounds.Max.X; x++ {
cur := labels[x][y]
fmt.Printf("\t%d ", cur)
var deltas = []struct {
x, y int
// 4-connected
{0, -1}, // North
{0, 1}, // South
{1, 0}, // East
{-1, 0}, // West
// 8-connected
{-1, -1}, // North-West
{1, -1}, // North-East
{-1, 1}, // South-West
{1, -1}, // South-East
// neighbors in same color
func neighbors(img image.Image, x, y, width, height, color int) map[Pos]int {
tmp := make(map[Pos]int)
for _, d := range deltas {
dx := x + d.x
dy := y + d.y
if dx < 0 || dy < 0 || dx >= width || dy >= height {
r, _, _, _ := img.At(dx, dy).RGBA()
curColor := int(r / 257)
if curColor != color {
if labels[dx][dy] != 0 {
tmp[Pos{dx, dy}] = labels[dx][dy]
return tmp
// find the first one that is not 0
func min(neighbors map[Pos]int) (*Pos, int) {
var min = 0
var p *Pos
for neigh, label := range neighbors {
if min == 0 && label != 0 {
min = label
p = &neigh
if label == 0 {
if label < min {
min = label
p = &neigh
return p, min
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