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Created April 12, 2019 20:45
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Script to migrate from virtualenvwrapper to pyenv-virtualenv
set -eu
echo '>>> Sourcing virtualenvwrapper...'
echo '>>> Starting migration from virtualenvwrapper to pyenv-virtualenv...'
VIRTUALENVS=$(lsvirtualenv -b)
for venv in ${VIRTUALENVS}; do
printf '>>> Migrating %s...\n' "${venv}"
printf '>>> Creating pyenv-virtualenv for %s...\n' "${venv}"
pyenv virtualenv --python="${PYTHON_EXE}" "${venv}"
printf '>>> Reinstalling packages in new pyenv-virtualenv from %s/%s...\n' "${WORKON_HOME}" "${venv}"
"${WORKON_HOME}/${venv}/bin/pip" freeze \
| PYENV_VERSION="${venv}" pyenv exec pip install -r /dev/stdin
printf '>>> %s: Done' "${venv}"
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