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Created April 5, 2014 15:08
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The express middleware I use for dependency management.
'use strict';
* Let's talk about methodology
* I used to like require.js. I thought it was the bees knees as far as
* dependency management was concerned. After a reasonably lengthy email
* conversation with Kyle Simpson (@getify everywhere), I was forced to
* reconsider this opinion.
* After much reconsideration, I decided that I would do something else.
* Here you find a server side dependency management toolchain for
* JavaScript.
* The system is based only on files and urls, rather than modules. I
* have elected to implement a module namespace separately to
* dependency management. That feels cleaner to me. The interface by
* which I declare dependencies is almost verbatim taken from Kyle
* Simpson. Given that a script has been loaded in the current request,
* a dependency can be specified by a special annotation
* //@include /public/js/dependency/a.js
* This script will then be pulled down and analysed for any other such
* calls. Note that this means circular dependencies are verboten. So
* bear that in mind. From these, a dependency tree is generated.
* When it comes time to actually send these scripts to the client, the
* tree is separated into levels. The first level is the set of scripts
* that are directly loaded into the request. The second level is made
* up of their dependencies, and so on. Each of these levels is loaded
* in reverse order. Each level loads in parallel, but depends on the
* layer before it.
* Note that a script is only loaded in a level if it has not been
* loaded in any previous level.
* So, that just about explains it.
* Module dependencies
var path = require('path')
var fs = require('fs')
var _ = require('lodash-node')
* Dependency tree — the raison d'être
* Every dependency is an object under the object representing the
* dependency above it. First generation properties of this object
* are scripts that were directly loaded in the request.
var dependencies = {}
* Export public API
* The public API in this case is a middleware function, which itself
* defines the interface.
module.exports = scriptManager
* Middleware script loader
* This middleware adds one function to the response object, and one
* function to accessible to the template.
function scriptManager (req, res, next) {
res.addScript = addScript
res.locals.getLabChain = getLabChain
* Add the given script to the dependency tree.
* This is the function used to directly include a script in a request.
* The real work of this function is done by `addToDependencyTree`, but
* I needed to hide some state in that function, which is why the logic
* is not here.
function addScript (script) {
addToDependencyTree(script, dependencies, 0)
* The workhorse of the previous function.
* Add script as a dependency to the dependent script.
function addToDependencyTree (dependency, dependent, depth) {
if (depth > 100) throw new Error('Circular dependency in script.')
// We don't want to parse a script twice if it's redeclared.
if (_.isObject(dependent[dependency])) return
else dependent[dependency] = {}
var file = path.join(__dirname, '..', dependency)
var content = fs.readFileSync(file, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
var includeCalls = content.match(/\/\/@include .+\.js\s/g)
var deps =, getScriptUrl)
_.each( deps
, function wrapper (dep) {
addToDependencyTree(dep, dependent[dependency], depth + 1)
* Strip the include declaration
function getScriptUrl (includeCall) {
return includeCall.replace('//@include ', '').trim()
* Wrap script in script call
function wrapInScript (script) {
var templateText = 'script(\'<%= script %>\')'
var data = { script: script }
return _.template(templateText, data)
* Convert an array of js files into script chain
* This can be used as a fragment of a call to LABjs
function convertToScriptCall (level) {
return, wrapInScript).join('.')
* Parse the dependency tree into a LABjs call.
* Also cache the call.
function getLabChain () {
var levels = getDependencyLevels()
var scriptCalls =, convertToScriptCall)
var labChain = scriptCalls.join('.wait().')
var templateText = '$LAB.<%= labChain %>'
var data = { labChain: labChain }
return _.template(templateText, data)
* Parse the dependency tree into various levels
function getDependencyLevels () {
var levels = _getDependencyLevels(dependencies)
var sanitisedLevels = []
// Remove dependencies that are present in a previous generation
for (var i = 0, len = levels.length; i < len; i += 1) {
sanitisedLevels[i] = _.partial(_.difference, levels[i])
.apply(null, levels.slice(0, i))
return sanitisedLevels
* Add a level onto the dependency tree
function _getDependencyLevels (deps) {
var level = Object.keys(deps)
function getDeps (script) {
return deps[script]
var nextGeneration = merge.apply(null,, getDeps))
if (_.isEmpty(nextGeneration)) return [level]
else return _getDependencyLevels(nextGeneration).concat([level])
* Merge all object properties into a new object
* This is a utility function and probably shouldn't be here.
function merge () {
return _.merge.apply(null, [{}].concat(_.toArray(arguments)))
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