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Created August 26, 2011 19:28
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Save maxchirkov/1174214 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alerts users to whilte-list your email address whenever they submit a form. Alerts could be customized to appear for only selected domain names like, etc.
//Script assumes that you have jQuery loaded. Most WordPress themes do.
//Check email addresses
//All domains have to be be lower case
var check_emails = new Array("", "");
var email_warning = "Please make sure to white-list our email address so it doesn't get stuck in your SPAM folder.";
var form_selector = 'form'; //change to '#form_id' - to apply to a specific form ID.
//check if form field values contain @ - we assume that's email address
var field_value = jQuery(this).val();
if( field_value.indexOf('@') != -1 ){
var parts = field_value.split('@');
//Get the domain part of the email
var check_domain = jQuery.trim( parts.splice(1,1) ).toLowerCase();
//Check if emails array has values
if( check_emails.length > 0 ){
//see if newly entered domain is in the predefined array
if( check_emails.indexOf(check_domain) != -1 ){
alert( email_warning );
//If no domains defined, we assume that warning applies to all emails.
alert( email_warning );
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