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Last active July 2, 2024 06:34
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  • Save maxchuquimia/05a230a6c14a2564cb195af05f6cc1fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Do this... ...when you see this message
⌘B Build ...<some long message>. Build again to continue.
⌘⇧K Clean ...received multiple target ended messages for target ID...
⌘⇧K Clean ...targetID (174) not found in _activeTargets...
File > Packages > Resolve Package Versions ...unable to load transferred PIF: The workspace contains multiple references with the same GUID PACKAGE:1YZON8U0E6OSQJJ6SVU...
Close and reopen project (Clean will fail) ...unknown error while handling message: unknownSession(handle: S0)...
Restart Xcode (Clean will fail) ...unknown error while handling message: MsgHandlingError(message: unable to initiate PIF transfer session (operation in progress?))
Restart Xcode Clean failed.
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