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KIF Checking for an Accessibility Element.
// KIFUITestActor+Helper.h
// Created by Max Chuquimia on 10/04/2014.
#import "KIFUITestActor.h"
@interface KIFUITestActor (Helper)
- (BOOL)accessibilityElementExists:(NSString *)label;
// KIFUITestActor+Helper.m
// Created by Max Chuquimia on 10/04/2014.
#import "KIFUITestActor+Helper.h"
#import "UIAccessibilityElement-KIFAdditions.h"
#import "UIApplication-KIFAdditions.h"
#import "UIScrollView-KIFAdditions.h"
@implementation KIFUITestActor (Helper)
- (BOOL)accessibilityElementExists:(NSString *)label
/* OK, so KIF doesn't have a built in "optional" test, nor does it have a friendly "If element exists".
* It was possible to wait for an element to exist and catch the exception, however if the element didn't exist the test would fail.
* This code is almost a direct copy/paste from UIAccessibilityElement-KIFAdditions, however it doesn't use errors
* - Max Chuquimia
__block UIView *view = nil;
BOOL showing = TRUE;
[self runBlockWithoutError:^KIFTestStepResult(NSError **error){
error = nil;
return [KIFUITestActor accessibilityElement:NULL view:&view withLabel:label value:nil traits:UIAccessibilityTraitNone tappable:NO] ? KIFTestStepResultSuccess : KIFTestStepResultWait;
} timeout:1];
@catch (NSException *exception)
showing = FALSE;
return showing;
- (void)runBlockWithoutError:(KIFTestExecutionBlock)executionBlock timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout
@autoreleasepool {
NSDate *startDate = [NSDate date];
KIFTestStepResult result;
NSError *error = nil;
while ((result = executionBlock(&error)) == KIFTestStepResultWait && -[startDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < timeout) {
CFRunLoopRunInMode([[UIApplication sharedApplication] currentRunLoopMode] ?: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.1, false);
if (result == KIFTestStepResultWait)
result = KIFTestStepResultFailure;
if (result == KIFTestStepResultFailure)
NSException *e = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"KIF Extension Exception" reason:@"Could not find accessibility element" userInfo:nil];
[e raise];
+ (BOOL)accessibilityElement:(out UIAccessibilityElement **)foundElement view:(out UIView **)foundView withLabel:(NSString *)label value:(NSString *)value traits:(UIAccessibilityTraits)traits tappable:(BOOL)mustBeTappable
UIAccessibilityElement *element = [KIFUITestActor accessibilityElementWithLabel:label value:value traits:traits];
UIView *view = [KIFUITestActor viewContainingAccessibilityElement:element tappable:mustBeTappable];
return element || view;
+ (UIAccessibilityElement *)accessibilityElementWithLabel:(NSString *)label value:(NSString *)value traits:(UIAccessibilityTraits)traits;
UIAccessibilityElement *element = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] accessibilityElementWithLabel:label accessibilityValue:value traits:traits];
if (element) {
return element;
element = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] accessibilityElementWithLabel:label accessibilityValue:nil traits:traits];
// For purposes of a better error message, see if we can find the view, just not a view with the specified value.
if (value && element) {
return nil;
// Check the traits, too.
element = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] accessibilityElementWithLabel:label accessibilityValue:nil traits:UIAccessibilityTraitNone];
if (traits != UIAccessibilityTraitNone && element) {
return nil;
return nil;
+ (UIView *)viewContainingAccessibilityElement:(UIAccessibilityElement *)element tappable:(BOOL)mustBeTappable
// Small safety mechanism. If someone calls this method after a failing call to accessibilityElementWithLabel:..., we don't want to wipe out the error message.
if (!element) {
return nil;
// Make sure the element is visible
UIView *view = [UIAccessibilityElement viewContainingAccessibilityElement:element];
if (!view) {
return nil;
// Scroll the view to be visible if necessary
UIScrollView *scrollView = (UIScrollView *)view;
while (scrollView && ![scrollView isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
scrollView = (UIScrollView *)scrollView.superview;
if (scrollView) {
if ((UIAccessibilityElement *)view == element) {
[scrollView scrollViewToVisible:view animated:YES];
} else {
CGRect elementFrame = [view.window convertRect:element.accessibilityFrame toView:scrollView];
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:elementFrame animated:YES];
// Give the scroll view a small amount of time to perform the scroll.
CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.3, false);
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] isIgnoringInteractionEvents]) {
return nil;
// If we don't require tappability, at least make sure it's not hidden
if ([view isHidden]) {
return nil;
if (mustBeTappable && !view.isProbablyTappable) {
return nil;
return view;
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