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Created May 19, 2020 06:41
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Either suspend composition
package com.mytaxi.arrowplayground
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.EitherOf
import arrow.core.fix
import arrow.fx.IO
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlin.random.Random
Alternatives to compose Either suspended funtions
#arrow channel in kotlinlang Slack
The last version of Arrow-kt doesn't support composition of Either returned by suspend functions.
data class Loaded(val opeartion: Int)
class Failed(opeartion: Int): Exception("$opeartion")
suspend fun simulate(result: Boolean, opeartion: Int): Either<Failed, Loaded> {
val action = if (result) Either.Right(Loaded(opeartion)) else Either.Left(Failed(opeartion))
delay(Random.nextLong(0, 500))
return action
suspend fun init0(): Either<Failed, Loaded> = simulate(true, 0)
suspend fun init1(): Either<Failed, Loaded> = simulate(false, 1)
suspend fun init2(): Either<Failed, Loaded> = simulate(true, 2)
inline fun <A, B, C> EitherOf<A, B>.flatMapInline(f: (B) -> Either<A, C>): Either<A, C> =
fix().let {
when (it) {
is Either.Right -> f(it.b)
is Either.Left -> it
fun main() = runBlocking {
//---------------- Why? ----------------//
This doesn't works bc Either.flatMap is not inlined.
This was removed to avoid side-effects and keep functions using the type pure
Exceptions thrown in the middle of a map or a flatMap can produce jumping threads or deadlocks
val boot = init0()
.flatMap { init1() }
.flatMap { init2() }
//---------------- 1 ----------------//
Option 1: flatMapInline
Add the inlined version of flatMap that was removed from Either
- The easiest and straightforward solution
- Keeps the same syntax structure
- Less boilerplate
- This is just a trapdoor by the compiler
- We are bringing back a deprecated function
- It's the same fold function ignoring the failure
- The effects are not deferred
val bootDeprecated = init0()
.flatMapInline { init1() }
.flatMapInline { init2() }
//---------------- 2 ----------------//
Option 2: Introduce IO
IO is the intended data type to represent side-effects as operations that can be executed
lazily, and are capable of failing.
- Effects are deferred and executed when IO is bound (great for pure functions)
- Specially prepared to work with coroutines promoting suspended composition (eg IO.effect(Dispatchers.Default) { })
- Integration with other extensions and helpers in other Arrow modules (eg suspendCancellable)
- It requires another dependency because fx is a separated module
- More concepts are introduced into the codebase with the new module
- As in my example the init functions are independant, it's required more boilerplate
val boot = IO { init0() }
.effectMap { if (it.isRight()) init1() else it }
.effectMap { if (it.isRight()) init2() else it }
//println("Result: ${bootDeprecated}")
println("Result: ${boot.suspended()}")
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