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Last active January 5, 2017 18:10
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def get_total_energy(context):
state = context.getState(getEnergy=True)
ke, pe = state.getKineticEnergy(), state.getPotentialEnergy()
return ke + pe
def measure_shadow_work(simulation, n_steps):
'''Given a `simulation` that uses an integrator that accumulates heat exchange with bath,
apply the integrator for n_steps and return the change in energy - the heat.
get_energy = lambda : get_total_energy(simulation.context)
get_heat = lambda : simulation.integrator.getGlobalVariableByName('heat')
E_0 = get_energy()
Q_0 = get_heat()
E_1 = get_energy()
Q_1 = get_heat()
delta_E = E_1 - E_0
delta_Q = Q_1 - Q_0
W_shad = delta_E.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoule_per_mole) - delta_Q
return W_shad
def randomization_midpoint_operator(simulation, temperature):
def reversal_midpoint_operator(simulation):
simulation.context.setVelocities(- simulation.context.getState(getVelocities=True).getVelocities(asNumpy=True))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from tqdm import tqdm
from simtk import unit
import simtk.openmm as mm
from simtk.openmm import app
import numpy as np
temperature = 298.0 * unit.kelvin
burn_in_length = 1000 # in steps
n_samples = 100 # number of samples to collect
ghmc_thinning = 1000 # number of GHMC steps between samples
protocol_length = 1000 # length of protocol
midpoint_operator = reversal_midpoint_operator
#midpoint_operator = lambda simulation: randomization_midpoint_operator(simulation, temperature)
#platform = 'OpenCL'
platform = 'Reference'
#platform = 'CUDA'
from openmmtools.integrators import GHMCIntegrator
ghmc = GHMCIntegrator(temperature)
# unbiased simulation
from openmmtools.testsystems import WaterBox
testsystem = WaterBox(constrained=True)
from openmmtools.testsystems import AlanineDipeptideVacuum, AlanineDipeptideImplicit
testsystem = AlanineDipeptideVacuum(constraints=app.AllBonds)
#testsystem = AlanineDipeptideVacuum(constraints=None)
#testsystem = AlanineDipeptideImplicit(constraints=None)
(system, positions) = testsystem.system, testsystem.positions
if platform == 'Reference':
platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference')
elif platform == 'OpenCL':
platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL')
platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('OpenCLPrecision', 'mixed')
elif platform == 'CUDA':
platform = mm.Platform.getPlatformByName('CUDA')
platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('CUDAPrecision', 'mixed')
unbiased_simulation = app.Simulation(testsystem.topology, system, ghmc, platform)
print('"Burning in" unbiased GHMC sampler')
print('Collecting statistics!')
def benchmark(simulation, unbiased_simulation, n_samples, M):
W_shads_F = []
W_shads_R = []
for i in tqdm(range(n_samples)):
W_shads_F.append(measure_shadow_work(simulation, protocol_length))
W_shads_R.append(measure_shadow_work(simulation, protocol_length))
DeltaF_neq = 0.5 * (np.mean(W_shads_F) - np.mean(W_shads_R))
N_eff = n_samples # for now, assuming independent
sq_uncertainty = (np.std(W_shads_F)**2 + np.std(W_shads_R)**2 - np.cov(W_shads_F, W_shads_R)[0,1]) / (4 * N_eff)
print(DeltaF_neq, sq_uncertainty)
return DeltaF_neq, sq_uncertainty
timestep = 2.5 * unit.femtoseconds
from barebones_lsi import LangevinSplittingIntegrator
for scheme in ['RVOVR', 'OVRVO', 'VRORV', 'VRRRORRRV']:
lsi = LangevinSplittingIntegrator(scheme, timestep=timestep, temperature=temperature)
simulation = app.Simulation(testsystem.topology, system, lsi, platform)
benchmark(simulation, unbiased_simulation, n_samples, M=protocol_length)
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