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PyTorch to MXNet

This cheatsheet serves as a quick reference for PyTorch users who are interested in trying MXNet, and vice versa.

Pytorch is a deep learning framework provides imperative tensor manipulation and neural network training. MXNet provides similar imperative tensor manipulation through the ndarray package and neural network training through gluon. This cheatsheet maps functions one-by-one between these two frameworks.

Note that MXNet has a symbolic interface similar to Keras and Tensorflow that may provide better performance and portability. This cheatsheet mainly focus on MXNet's imperative interface.


jfpuget / Mandelbrodt.ipynb
Created January 27, 2016 14:23
Mandelbrot set computation in Python
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
vml-rmott / move-windows.scpt
Created September 25, 2014 18:21
Detect and move off-screen windows back within the desktop bounds. Forked from by bradchoate to add multiple display support.
-- ryan mott
-- forked from bradchoate
tell application "Finder"
-- get desktop dimensions (dw = desktop width; dh = desktop height)
set db to bounds of window of desktop
-- min width and height can be less than zero when multiple monitors arranged