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Last active January 5, 2020 17:26
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Python string alignment
from itertools import accumulate
a = ['a', '30', '-', 'foot', 'und', 'ete', 'cted']
b = ['a', '30-foot', 'undetected']
def alignment(a: "Iterable[str]", b: "Iterable[str]") -> "List[List[int]]":
if ''.join(a) != ''.join(b):
raise ValueError("a and b must be fragments of the same string")
target_subs = accumulate(b)
next_target = next(target_subs, '')
results, match = [], []
for idx, current in enumerate(accumulate(a)):
if current == next_target:
match = []
next_target = next(target_subs, '')
elif len(current) >= len(next_target):
raise ValueError("a must contain only fragments of b")
return results
print(alignment(a, b))
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