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Created December 21, 2012 20:31
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get ip
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
public class RequestHelpers
public static string GetClientIpAddress(HttpRequestBase request)
var userHostAddress = request.UserHostAddress;
// Attempt to parse. If it fails, we catch below and return ""
// Could use TryParse instead, but I wanted to catch all exceptions
var xForwardedFor = request.ServerVariables["X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xForwardedFor))
return userHostAddress;
// Get a list of public ip addresses in the X_FORWARDED_FOR variable
var publicForwardingIps = xForwardedFor.Split(',').Where(ip => !IsPrivateIpAddress(ip)).ToList();
// If we found any, return the last one, otherwise return the user host address
return publicForwardingIps.Any() ? publicForwardingIps.Last() : userHostAddress;
catch (Exception)
// Always return all zeroes for any failure (my calling code expects it)
return "";
private static bool IsPrivateIpAddress(string ipAddress)
// Private IP Addresses are:
// 24-bit block: through
// 20-bit block: through
// 16-bit block: through
// Link-local addresses: through (
var ip = IPAddress.Parse(ipAddress);
var octets = ip.GetAddressBytes();
var is24BitBlock = octets[0] == 10;
if (is24BitBlock) return true; // Return to prevent further processing
var is20BitBlock = octets[0] == 172 && octets[1] >= 16 && octets[1] <= 31;
if (is20BitBlock) return true; // Return to prevent further processing
var is16BitBlock = octets[0] == 192 && octets[1] == 168;
if (is16BitBlock) return true; // Return to prevent further processing
var isLinkLocalAddress = octets[0] == 169 && octets[1] == 254;
return isLinkLocalAddress;
And here are some NUnit tests against that code (I'm using Rhino Mocks to mock the HttpRequestBase, which is the M<HttpRequestBase> call below):
using System.Web;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
using Should;
public class HelpersTests : TestBase
HttpRequestBase _httpRequest;
private const string XForwardedFor = "X_FORWARDED_FOR";
private const string MalformedIpAddress = "MALFORMED";
private const string DefaultIpAddress = "";
private const string GoogleIpAddress = "";
private const string MicrosoftIpAddress = "";
private const string Private24Bit = "";
private const string Private20Bit = "";
private const string Private16Bit = "";
private const string PrivateLinkLocal = "";
public void Setup()
_httpRequest = M<HttpRequestBase>();
public void Teardown()
_httpRequest = null;
public void PublicIpAndNullXForwardedFor_Returns_CorrectIp()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(null);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void PublicIpAndEmptyXForwardedFor_Returns_CorrectIp()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(string.Empty);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void MalformedUserHostAddress_Returns_DefaultIpAddress()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(MalformedIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(null);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void MalformedXForwardedFor_Returns_DefaultIpAddress()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(MalformedIpAddress);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void SingleValidPublicXForwardedFor_Returns_XForwardedFor()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(MicrosoftIpAddress);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void MultipleValidPublicXForwardedFor_Returns_LastXForwardedFor()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(GoogleIpAddress + "," + MicrosoftIpAddress);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void SinglePrivateXForwardedFor_Returns_UserHostAddress()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(Private24Bit);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void MultiplePrivateXForwardedFor_Returns_UserHostAddress()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
const string privateIpList = Private24Bit + "," + Private20Bit + "," + Private16Bit + "," + PrivateLinkLocal;
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(privateIpList);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
public void MultiplePublicXForwardedForWithPrivateLast_Returns_LastPublic()
// Arrange
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.UserHostAddress).Return(GoogleIpAddress);
const string privateIpList = Private24Bit + "," + Private20Bit + "," + MicrosoftIpAddress + "," + PrivateLinkLocal;
_httpRequest.Stub(x => x.ServerVariables[XForwardedFor]).Return(privateIpList);
// Act
var ip = RequestHelpers.GetClientIpAddress(_httpRequest);
// Assert
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