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Created May 14, 2020 16:36
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Save maxfridbe/de1a28806a55b443f6692b796fd09b50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
..fucking powershell
$id = get-random
$maxSizeMB = 500
$code = @"
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace HelloWorld
public class Program$id
public static List<string> ListDirsToDel()
var todel = new List<string>();
var dirs = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(".");
foreach (var d in dirs){
var size = DirSize(new DirectoryInfo(d));
var sizemb = size/1024f/1024f;
Console.WriteLine( "Size: "+sizemb + "mb \t\tDir "+d);
if($maxSizeMB > sizemb)
return todel;
public static long DirSize(DirectoryInfo dir)
return dir.GetFiles().Sum(fi => fi.Length) +
dir.GetDirectories().Sum(di => DirSize(di));
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code -Language CSharp
$data = iex "[HelloWorld.Program$id]::ListDirsToDel()"
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