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Last active May 18, 2017 05:38
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Quantified Self: Max // Spencer Reflection

What do we want to work on / or continue learning?

  • How to get better troubleshooting techniques
  • Better at unit and model testing in Node

No excuses: What could we have done better?

We ought to have committed to ES5 or ES6 syntax, regardless of whether or not it causes technical issues, we were told to stick to one style and we didn’t do that. When using researched code for inspiration, either from lessons, Stack Overflow, or instructor code, it would be good to study this code more for understanding and then we’d be better at translating into the style (ES5 or 6) that was the best for us.

We also felt like we started off not as strong organizationally and we steadly improved, but some of those habits would have been helpful in the beginning. In the beginning, be stronger at asking questions and making sure, especially in regards to testing, that our setup was done properly. Asking better questions in our pull requests, for example in model testing, where we could have been more specific about what was giving us issues.

What did we learn?

  • Two new languages - JavaScript in Node and also jQuery in the client side.
  • How to learn a new language
  • How to interact with a database without a schema; using raw SQL to interact with and create the database, using psql as a tool in the terminal to check and run test queries.
  • How to live as developers without Rails magic.
  • We had two applications interact and speak with each other, which is really cool.
  • The power of JavaScript
  • How to think about the DOM
  • Asychronous runtimes - the beauty and the beast of promises and callbacks
  • How to pair with people with different working styles - we approach problems in different ways; Max is methodical and Spencer is more run and gun.
  • How to timeblock (Spencer)

What will we apply in future projects?

  • Organizational strategies for processes and continuous communication with instructors / or employers to make sure that development is a relationship.
  • Knowing when to reach out and when to get gritty.
  • How to pair successfully, especially with different working styles.
  • Understanding functional paradigms; how Node is closer to a functional style than Rails. It’s closer to the technology.
  • Keeping a positive attitude and continuing to move forward. Counting the small wins.

Things we did well?


  • Sticking to a consistent work schedule and having that consistency lead to real learning.
  • Organizational strategies that worked well for us.
  • Learning a new language and framework.
  • I’m proud of Spencer, he had a rough start to the module and he put in time and showed up and learned a ton.


We didn’t know ANY JavaScript coming in and this is a large project, with built a backend in a new framework and language and for the first time using JS in the client side - having a dedicated front-end framework. We did a good job of staying motivated and moving forward and ultimately, while we did work slowly, we made significant progress and learned a lot about how to learn a new language.

We had a great upward trend, starting deep in the struggle and not knowing what was going on and moving forward in our learning and our capability. We had an exponential curve that was proving we were actually learning the new language!


In two weeks we built an API and served that data to a front end in a new language and we were able to do that successfully, when learning those skills in Ruby / Rails took months - the ability to translate concepts to new languages.

We’re proud of our work ethic: we worked Saturdays and late into the night everyday, and were consistent with our efforts. We grew as a partnership, in terms of we got better at working together and also improved technically.

We went into this partnership as friends and we did a good job of being supportive and positive with the other person. We maintained a healthy friendship and professional demeanor throughout the project, even when things were going badly.

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