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Created March 22, 2017 17:37
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Extended moon phase utils
/** Extended moon phase utils
Ported from
Maksym Huk 2017
import Foundation
import SwiftMoment
class Moon {
enum Phase : Int {
case newMoon
case firstQuarter
case fullMoon
case lastQuarter
case nextNewMoon
case nextFirstQuarter
case nextFullMoon
case nextLastQuarter
var timestamp: Double = 0
var currentPhase: Double = 0 // Phase (0 to 1)
var illumination: Double = 0 // Illuminated fraction (0 to 1)
var age: Double = 0 // Age of moon (days)
var distance: Double = 0 // Distance (kilometres)
var angularDiameter: Double = 0 // Angular diameter (degrees)
var sunAngularDiameter: Double = 0 // Sun angular diameter (degrees)
var sunDistance: Double = 0 // Distance to Sun (kilometres)
var synodicMonth: Double = 0 // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon)
private var quarters: [Date] = []
init(_ date: Date) {
var pdate = date.timeIntervalSince1970
self.timestamp = pdate
/* Astronomical constants */
let epoch = 2444238.5 // 1980 January 0.0
/* Constants defining the Sun's apparent orbit */
let elonge = 278.833540 // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at epoch 1980.0
let elongp = 282.596403 // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at perigee
let eccent = 0.016718 // Eccentricity of Earth's orbit
let sunsmax = 1.495985e8 // Semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, km
let sunangsiz = 0.533128 // Sun's angular size, degrees, at semi-major axis distance
/* Elements of the Moon's orbit, epoch 1980.0 */
let mmlong = 64.975464 // Moon's mean longitude at the epoch
let mmlongp = 349.383063 // Mean longitude of the perigee at the epoch
let mecc = 0.054900 // Eccentricity of the Moon's orbit
let mangsiz = 0.5181 // Moon's angular size at distance a from Earth
let msmax = 384401.0 // Semi-major axis of Moon's orbit in km
let synmonth = 29.53058868 // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon)
// pdate is coming in as a UNIX timstamp, so convert it to Julian
pdate = pdate / 86400 + 2440587.5
/* Calculation of the Sun's position */
let Day = pdate - epoch // Date within epoch
let N = fixangle((360 / 365.2422) * Day) // Mean anomaly of the Sun
let M = fixangle(N + elonge - elongp) // Convert from perigee co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0
var Ec = kepler(M, eccent) // Solve equation of Kepler
Ec = sqrt((1 + eccent) / (1 - eccent)) * tan(Ec / 2)
Ec = 2 * radToDeg(atan(Ec)) // True anomaly
let Lambdasun = fixangle(Ec + elongp) // Sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude
let F = ((1 + eccent * cos(degToRad(Ec))) / (1 - eccent * eccent)); // Orbital distance factor
let SunDist = sunsmax / F // Distance to Sun in km
let SunAng = F * sunangsiz // Sun's angular size in degrees
/* Calculation of the Moon's position */
let ml = fixangle(13.1763966 * Day + mmlong) // Moon's mean longitude
let MM = fixangle(ml - 0.1114041 * Day - mmlongp) // Moon's mean anomaly
let Ev = 1.2739 * sin(degToRad(2 * (ml - Lambdasun) - MM)) // Evection
let Ae = 0.1858 * sin(degToRad(M)) // Annual equation
let A3 = 0.37 * sin(degToRad(M)) // Correction term
let MmP = MM + Ev - Ae - A3 // Corrected anomaly
let mEc = 6.2886 * sin(degToRad(MmP)) // Correction for the equation of the centre
let A4 = 0.214 * sin(degToRad(2 * MmP)) // Another correction term
let lP = ml + Ev + mEc - Ae + A4 // Corrected longitude
let V = 0.6583 * sin(degToRad(2 * (lP - Lambdasun))) // Variation
let lPP = lP + V // True longitude
/* Calculation of the phase of the Moon */
let MoonAge = lPP - Lambdasun // Age of the Moon in degrees
let MoonPhase = (1 - cos(degToRad(MoonAge))) / 2 // Phase of the Moon
// Distance of moon from the centre of the Earth
let MoonDistPart1 = (msmax * (1 - mecc * mecc))
let MoonDistPart2 = (1 + mecc * cos(degToRad(MmP + mEc)))
let MoonDist = MoonDistPart1 / MoonDistPart2
let MoonDFrac = MoonDist / msmax
let MoonAng = mangsiz / MoonDFrac // Moon's angular diameter
// store results
self.synodicMonth = synmonth
self.currentPhase = fixangle(MoonAge) / 360 // Phase (0 to 1)
self.illumination = MoonPhase // Illuminated fraction (0 to 1)
self.age = synmonth * currentPhase // Age of moon (days)
self.distance = MoonDist // Distance (kilometres)
self.angularDiameter = MoonAng // Angular diameter (degrees)
self.sunDistance = SunDist // Distance to Sun (kilometres)
self.sunAngularDiameter = SunAng // Sun's angular diameter (degrees)
private func degToRad(_ x: Double) -> Double {
return x * M_PI / 180.0
private func radToDeg(_ x: Double) -> Double {
return x * 180 / M_PI
private func fixangle(_ a: Double) -> Double {
return ( a - 360 * floor(a / 360) )
private func kepler(_ m: Double, _ ecc: Double) -> Double { // Solve the equation of Kepler.
let epsilon = 0.000001 // 1E-6
let m = degToRad(m)
var e = m
var delta: Double
repeat {
delta = e - ecc * sin(e) - m
e -= delta / ( 1 - ecc * cos(e) )
} while abs(delta) > epsilon
return e
/** Calculates time of the mean new Moon for a given
base date. This argument K to this func is the
precomputed synodic month index, given by:
K = (year - 1900) * 12.3685
where year is expressed as a year and fractional year.
private func meanPhase(_ sdate: Double, _ k: Double) -> Double {
// Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
let t = ( sdate - 2415020.0 ) / 36525
let t2 = t * t
let t3 = t2 * t
let nt1 = 2415020.75933 + synodicMonth * k
+ 0.0001178 * t2
- 0.000000155 * t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( degToRad( 166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2 ) )
return nt1
/** Given a K value used to determine the mean phase of
the new moon, and a phase selector (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75), obtain the true, corrected phase time.
private func truePhase(_ k: Double, _ phase: Double) -> Double {
var apcor = false
let k = k + phase // Add phase to new moon time
let t = k / 1236.85 // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
let t2 = t * t // Square for frequent use
let t3 = t2 * t // Cube for frequent use
var pt = 2415020.75933 // Mean time of phase
+ synodicMonth * k
+ 0.0001178 * t2
- 0.000000155 * t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( degToRad( 166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2 ) )
let m = 359.2242 + 29.10535608 * k - 0.0000333 * t2 - 0.00000347 * t3 // Sun's mean anomaly
let mprime = 306.0253 + 385.81691806 * k + 0.0107306 * t2 + 0.00001236 * t3 // Moon's mean anomaly
let f = 21.2964 + 390.67050646 * k - 0.0016528 * t2 - 0.00000239 * t3 // Moon's argument of latitude
if ( phase < 0.01 || abs( phase - 0.5 ) < 0.01 ) {
// Corrections for New and Full Moon
pt += (0.1734 - 0.000393 * t) * sin( degToRad( m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m ) )
- 0.4068 * sin( degToRad( mprime ) )
+ 0.0161 * sin( degToRad( 2 * mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 3 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0104 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f ) )
- 0.0051 * sin( degToRad( m + mprime ) )
- 0.0074 * sin( degToRad( m - mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + mprime ) )
+ 0.0010 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - mprime ) )
+ 0.0005 * sin( degToRad( m + 2 * mprime ) )
apcor = true
} else if ( abs( phase - 0.25 ) < 0.01 || abs( phase - 0.75 ) < 0.01 ) {
pt += (0.1721 - 0.0004 * t) * sin( degToRad( m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m ) )
- 0.6280 * sin( degToRad( mprime ) )
+ 0.0089 * sin( degToRad( 2 * mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 3 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0079 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f ) )
- 0.0119 * sin( degToRad( m + mprime ) )
- 0.0047 * sin( degToRad ( m - mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + mprime ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( m + 2 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( m - 2 * mprime ) )
- 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m + mprime ) )
if phase < 0.5 { // First quarter correction
pt += 0.0028 - 0.0004 * cos( degToRad( m ) ) + 0.0003 * cos( degToRad( mprime ) )
} else { // Last quarter correction
pt += -0.0028 + 0.0004 * cos( degToRad( m ) ) - 0.0003 * cos( degToRad( mprime ) )
apcor = true
if !apcor { // func was called with an invalid phase selector
return 0
return pt
/** Find time of phases of the moon which surround the current date.
Five phases are found, starting and
ending with the new moons which bound the current lunation.
private func phaseHunt() {
let sdate = utcToJulian( timestamp )
var adate = sdate - 45
let ats = timestamp - 86400 * 45
let atsMoment = moment(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: ats))
let yy = Double(atsMoment.year)
let mm = Double(atsMoment.month)
var k1 = floor( ( yy + ( ( mm - 1 ) * ( 1 / 12 ) ) - 1900 ) * 12.3685 )
var nt1 = meanPhase( adate, k1 )
adate = nt1
var k2: Double = 0
var nt2: Double = 0
while (true) {
adate += synodicMonth
k2 = k1 + 1
nt2 = meanPhase( adate, k2 )
// if nt2 is close to sdate, then mean phase isn't good enough, we have to be more accurate
if( abs( nt2 - sdate ) < 0.75 ) {
nt2 = truePhase( k2, 0.0 )
if ( nt1 <= sdate && nt2 > sdate ) {
nt1 = nt2
k1 = k2
// results in Julian dates
let data = [
truePhase( k1, 0.0 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.25 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.5 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.75 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.0 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.25 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.5 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.75 )
quarters = []
for v in data {
quarters.append(Date(timeIntervalSince1970:(v - 2440587.5) * 86400)) // convert to UNIX time
/* Convert UNIX timestamp to astronomical Julian time (i.e. Julian date plus day fraction). */
private func utcToJulian(_ ts: TimeInterval) -> Double {
return ts / 86400 + 2440587.5
func phase(_ phase: Phase) -> Date {
if quarters.isEmpty {
return quarters[phase.rawValue]
func nextMajorPhase(after date: Date) -> (Phase, Date) {
let phases: [(Phase, Date)] = [
(.newMoon, phase(.newMoon)),
(.nextNewMoon, phase(.nextNewMoon)),
(.fullMoon, phase(.fullMoon)),
(.nextFullMoon, phase(.nextFullMoon)),
var earliestPhaseIndex = 0
for (index, phase) in phases.enumerated() {
let date = phase.1
let earliestDate = phases[earliestPhaseIndex].1
if == .orderedAscending {
earliestPhaseIndex = index
return phases[earliestPhaseIndex]
func currentPhaseName() -> String {
let names = [ "New Moon", "Waxing Crescent", "First Quarter", "Waxing Gibbous", "Full Moon", "Waning Gibbous", "Third Quarter", "Waning Crescent", "New Moon" ]
// There are eight phases, evenly split. A "New Moon" occupies the 1/16th phases either side of phase = 0, and the rest follow from that.
return names[ Int(floor( ( currentPhase + 0.0625 ) * 8 )) ]
var age: Double = 0 // Age of moon (days)
var distance: Double = 0 // Distance (kilometres)
var angularDiameter: Double = 0 // Angular diameter (degrees)
var sunAngularDiameter: Double = 0 // Sun angular diameter (degrees)
var sunDistance: Double = 0 // Distance to Sun (kilometres)
var synodicMonth: Double = 0 // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon)
private var quarters: [Date] = []
init(_ date: Date) {
var pdate = date.timeIntervalSince1970
self.timestamp = pdate
/* Astronomical constants */
let epoch = 2444238.5 // 1980 January 0.0
/* Constants defining the Sun's apparent orbit */
let elonge = 278.833540 // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at epoch 1980.0
let elongp = 282.596403 // Ecliptic longitude of the Sun at perigee
let eccent = 0.016718 // Eccentricity of Earth's orbit
let sunsmax = 1.495985e8 // Semi-major axis of Earth's orbit, km
let sunangsiz = 0.533128 // Sun's angular size, degrees, at semi-major axis distance
/* Elements of the Moon's orbit, epoch 1980.0 */
let mmlong = 64.975464 // Moon's mean longitude at the epoch
let mmlongp = 349.383063 // Mean longitude of the perigee at the epoch
let mecc = 0.054900 // Eccentricity of the Moon's orbit
let mangsiz = 0.5181 // Moon's angular size at distance a from Earth
let msmax = 384401.0 // Semi-major axis of Moon's orbit in km
let synmonth = 29.53058868 // Synodic month (new Moon to new Moon)
// pdate is coming in as a UNIX timstamp, so convert it to Julian
pdate = pdate / 86400 + 2440587.5
/* Calculation of the Sun's position */
let Day = pdate - epoch // Date within epoch
let N = fixangle((360 / 365.2422) * Day) // Mean anomaly of the Sun
let M = fixangle(N + elonge - elongp) // Convert from perigee co-ordinates to epoch 1980.0
var Ec = kepler(M, eccent) // Solve equation of Kepler
Ec = sqrt((1 + eccent) / (1 - eccent)) * tan(Ec / 2)
Ec = 2 * radToDeg(atan(Ec)) // True anomaly
let Lambdasun = fixangle(Ec + elongp) // Sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude
let F = ((1 + eccent * cos(degToRad(Ec))) / (1 - eccent * eccent)); // Orbital distance factor
let SunDist = sunsmax / F // Distance to Sun in km
let SunAng = F * sunangsiz // Sun's angular size in degrees
/* Calculation of the Moon's position */
let ml = fixangle(13.1763966 * Day + mmlong) // Moon's mean longitude
let MM = fixangle(ml - 0.1114041 * Day - mmlongp) // Moon's mean anomaly
let Ev = 1.2739 * sin(degToRad(2 * (ml - Lambdasun) - MM)) // Evection
let Ae = 0.1858 * sin(degToRad(M)) // Annual equation
let A3 = 0.37 * sin(degToRad(M)) // Correction term
let MmP = MM + Ev - Ae - A3 // Corrected anomaly
let mEc = 6.2886 * sin(degToRad(MmP)) // Correction for the equation of the centre
let A4 = 0.214 * sin(degToRad(2 * MmP)) // Another correction term
let lP = ml + Ev + mEc - Ae + A4 // Corrected longitude
let V = 0.6583 * sin(degToRad(2 * (lP - Lambdasun))) // Variation
let lPP = lP + V // True longitude
/* Calculation of the phase of the Moon */
let MoonAge = lPP - Lambdasun // Age of the Moon in degrees
let MoonPhase = (1 - cos(degToRad(MoonAge))) / 2 // Phase of the Moon
// Distance of moon from the centre of the Earth
let MoonDistPart1 = (msmax * (1 - mecc * mecc))
let MoonDistPart2 = (1 + mecc * cos(degToRad(MmP + mEc)))
let MoonDist = MoonDistPart1 / MoonDistPart2
let MoonDFrac = MoonDist / msmax
let MoonAng = mangsiz / MoonDFrac // Moon's angular diameter
// store results
self.synodicMonth = synmonth
self.currentPhase = fixangle(MoonAge) / 360 // Phase (0 to 1)
self.illumination = MoonPhase // Illuminated fraction (0 to 1)
self.age = synmonth * currentPhase // Age of moon (days)
self.distance = MoonDist // Distance (kilometres)
self.angularDiameter = MoonAng // Angular diameter (degrees)
self.sunDistance = SunDist // Distance to Sun (kilometres)
self.sunAngularDiameter = SunAng // Sun's angular diameter (degrees)
private func degToRad(_ x: Double) -> Double {
return x * M_PI / 180.0
private func radToDeg(_ x: Double) -> Double {
return x * 180 / M_PI
private func fixangle(_ a: Double) -> Double {
return ( a - 360 * floor(a / 360) )
private func kepler(_ m: Double, _ ecc: Double) -> Double { // Solve the equation of Kepler.
let epsilon = 0.000001 // 1E-6
let m = degToRad(m)
var e = m
var delta: Double
repeat {
delta = e - ecc * sin(e) - m
e -= delta / ( 1 - ecc * cos(e) )
} while abs(delta) > epsilon
return e
/** Calculates time of the mean new Moon for a given
base date. This argument K to this func is the
precomputed synodic month index, given by:
K = (year - 1900) * 12.3685
where year is expressed as a year and fractional year.
func meanPhase(_ sdate: Double, _ k: Double) -> Double {
// Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
let t = ( sdate - 2415020.0 ) / 36525
let t2 = t * t
let t3 = t2 * t
let nt1 = 2415020.75933 + synodicMonth * k
+ 0.0001178 * t2
- 0.000000155 * t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( degToRad( 166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2 ) )
return nt1
/** Given a K value used to determine the mean phase of
the new moon, and a phase selector (0.0, 0.25, 0.5,
0.75), obtain the true, corrected phase time.
func truePhase(_ k: Double, _ phase: Double) -> Double {
var apcor = false
let k = k + phase // Add phase to new moon time
let t = k / 1236.85 // Time in Julian centuries from 1900 January 0.5
let t2 = t * t // Square for frequent use
let t3 = t2 * t // Cube for frequent use
var pt = 2415020.75933 // Mean time of phase
+ synodicMonth * k
+ 0.0001178 * t2
- 0.000000155 * t3
+ 0.00033 * sin( degToRad( 166.56 + 132.87 * t - 0.009173 * t2 ) )
let m = 359.2242 + 29.10535608 * k - 0.0000333 * t2 - 0.00000347 * t3 // Sun's mean anomaly
let mprime = 306.0253 + 385.81691806 * k + 0.0107306 * t2 + 0.00001236 * t3 // Moon's mean anomaly
let f = 21.2964 + 390.67050646 * k - 0.0016528 * t2 - 0.00000239 * t3 // Moon's argument of latitude
if ( phase < 0.01 || abs( phase - 0.5 ) < 0.01 ) {
// Corrections for New and Full Moon
pt += (0.1734 - 0.000393 * t) * sin( degToRad( m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m ) )
- 0.4068 * sin( degToRad( mprime ) )
+ 0.0161 * sin( degToRad( 2 * mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 3 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0104 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f ) )
- 0.0051 * sin( degToRad( m + mprime ) )
- 0.0074 * sin( degToRad( m - mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + mprime ) )
+ 0.0010 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - mprime ) )
+ 0.0005 * sin( degToRad( m + 2 * mprime ) )
apcor = true
} else if ( abs( phase - 0.25 ) < 0.01 || abs( phase - 0.75 ) < 0.01 ) {
pt += (0.1721 - 0.0004 * t) * sin( degToRad( m ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m ) )
- 0.6280 * sin( degToRad( mprime ) )
+ 0.0089 * sin( degToRad( 2 * mprime) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 3 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0079 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f ) )
- 0.0119 * sin( degToRad( m + mprime ) )
- 0.0047 * sin( degToRad ( m - mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + m ) )
- 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - m ) )
- 0.0006 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f + mprime ) )
+ 0.0021 * sin( degToRad( 2 * f - mprime ) )
+ 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( m + 2 * mprime ) )
+ 0.0004 * sin( degToRad( m - 2 * mprime ) )
- 0.0003 * sin( degToRad( 2 * m + mprime ) )
if phase < 0.5 { // First quarter correction
pt += 0.0028 - 0.0004 * cos( degToRad( m ) ) + 0.0003 * cos( degToRad( mprime ) )
} else { // Last quarter correction
pt += -0.0028 + 0.0004 * cos( degToRad( m ) ) - 0.0003 * cos( degToRad( mprime ) )
apcor = true
if !apcor { // func was called with an invalid phase selector
return 0
return pt
/** Find time of phases of the moon which surround the current date.
Five phases are found, starting and
ending with the new moons which bound the current lunation.
func phaseHunt() {
let sdate = utcToJulian( timestamp )
var adate = sdate - 45
let ats = timestamp - 86400 * 45
let atsMoment = moment(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: ats))
let yy = Double(atsMoment.year)
let mm = Double(atsMoment.month)
var k1 = floor( ( yy + ( ( mm - 1 ) * ( 1 / 12 ) ) - 1900 ) * 12.3685 )
var nt1 = meanPhase( adate, k1 )
adate = nt1
var k2: Double = 0
var nt2: Double = 0
while (true) {
adate += synodicMonth
k2 = k1 + 1
nt2 = meanPhase( adate, k2 )
// if nt2 is close to sdate, then mean phase isn't good enough, we have to be more accurate
if( abs( nt2 - sdate ) < 0.75 ) {
nt2 = truePhase( k2, 0.0 )
if ( nt1 <= sdate && nt2 > sdate ) {
nt1 = nt2
k1 = k2
// results in Julian dates
let data = [
truePhase( k1, 0.0 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.25 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.5 ),
truePhase( k1, 0.75 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.0 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.25 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.5 ),
truePhase( k2, 0.75 )
quarters = []
for v in data {
quarters.append(Date(timeIntervalSince1970:(v - 2440587.5) * 86400)) // convert to UNIX time
/* Convert UNIX timestamp to astronomical Julian time (i.e. Julian date plus day fraction). */
func utcToJulian(_ ts: TimeInterval) -> Double {
return ts / 86400 + 2440587.5
func phase(_ phase: Phase) -> Date {
if quarters.isEmpty {
return quarters[phase.rawValue]
func nextMajorPhase(after date: Date) -> (Phase, Date) {
let phases: [(Phase, Date)] = [
(.newMoon, phase(.newMoon)),
(.nextNewMoon, phase(.nextNewMoon)),
(.fullMoon, phase(.fullMoon)),
(.nextFullMoon, phase(.nextFullMoon)),
var earliestPhaseIndex = 0
for (index, phase) in phases.enumerated() {
let date = phase.1
let earliestDate = phases[earliestPhaseIndex].1
if == .orderedAscending {
earliestPhaseIndex = index
return phases[earliestPhaseIndex]
func currentPhaseName() -> String {
let names = [ "New Moon", "Waxing Crescent", "First Quarter", "Waxing Gibbous", "Full Moon", "Waning Gibbous", "Third Quarter", "Waning Crescent", "New Moon" ]
// There are eight phases, evenly split. A "New Moon" occupies the 1/16th phases either side of phase = 0, and the rest follow from that.
return names[ Int(floor( ( currentPhase + 0.0625 ) * 8 )) ]
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