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Created September 3, 2023 11:34
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Beautiful Functional Programming
module Fun where
import Data.List(groupBy)
data Lesson c = Lesson
{ name :: String,
lposition :: c
deriving (Show)
data Section c = Section
{ title :: String,
resetLessonPosition :: Bool,
lessons :: [Lesson c],
sposition :: c
deriving (Show)
sections :: [Section ()]
sections =
[ Section
{ title = "Getting started",
resetLessonPosition = False,
lessons =
[ Lesson {name = "Welcome", lposition = ()},
Lesson {name = "Installation", lposition = ()}
sposition = ()
{ title = "Basic operator",
resetLessonPosition = False,
lessons =
[ Lesson {name = "Addition / Subtraction", lposition = ()},
Lesson {name = "Multiplication / Division", lposition = ()}
sposition = ()
{ title = "Advanced topics",
resetLessonPosition = True,
lessons =
[ Lesson {name = "Mutability", lposition = ()},
Lesson {name = "Immutability", lposition = ()}
sposition = ()
-- | Break a a list into nested lists
-- by copying the structure of a neste list
-- > reStructure ["abc", "d", "ef"] [1..]
-- [[1,2,3], [4], [5,6]]
reStructure :: [[a]] -> [b] -> [[b]]
reStructure [] _ = []
reStructure _ [] = []
reStructure ([]:xss) ys = []: reStructure xss ys
reStructure ((x:xs):xss) (y:ys) =
case reStructure (xs:xss) ys of
[] -> [[y]]
(ys':yss') -> (y:ys'):yss'
breakOn :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
breakOn f = groupBy (const $ not . f)
lessonPosititions :: [Section a] -> [[Int]]
lessonPosititions sections =
concatMap (flip reStructure [1..] . map lessons) $ breakOn resetLessonPosition sections
updatePositions :: [Section a] -> [(Int, [Int])] -> [Section Int]
updatePositions =
zipWith (\s (sp, poss) -> s {sposition = sp
, lessons = zipWith (\l p -> l { lposition = p})
(lessons s)
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ print $ updatePositions sections (zip [1..] $ lessonPosititions sections)
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