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Last active May 27, 2024 13:27
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Function to look for all roots within given interval/bracket based on scipy's `root_scalar`. Resolution `n` of this function only needs to be high enough so that all sign changes of roots are covered.
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Iterable
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
def multi_root(f: Callable, bracket: Iterable[float], args: Iterable = (), n: int = 30) -> np.ndarray:
""" Find all roots of f in `bracket`, given that resolution `n` covers the sign change.
Fine-grained root finding is performed with `scipy.optimize.root_scalar`.
f: Callable
Function to be evaluated
bracket: Sequence of two floats
Specifies interval within which roots are searched.
args: Iterable, optional
Iterable passed to `f` for evaluation
n: int
Number of points sampled equidistantly from bracket to evaluate `f`.
Resolution has to be high enough to cover sign changes of all roots but not finer than that.
Actual roots are found using `scipy.optimize.root_scalar`.
roots: np.ndarray
Array containing all unique roots that were found in `bracket`.
# Evaluate function in given bracket
x = np.linspace(*bracket, n)
y = f(x, *args)
# Find where adjacent signs are not equal
sign_changes = np.where(np.sign(y[:-1]) != np.sign(y[1:]))[0]
# Find roots around sign changes
root_finders = (
bracket=(x[s], x[s+1])
for s in sign_changes
roots = np.array([
r.root if r.converged else np.nan
for r in root_finders
if np.any(np.isnan(roots)):
warnings.warn("Not all root finders converged for estimated brackets! Maybe increase resolution `n`.")
roots = roots[~np.isnan(roots)]
roots_unique = np.unique(roots)
if len(roots_unique) != len(roots):
warnings.warn("One root was found multiple times. "
"Try to increase or decrease resolution `n` to see if this warning disappears.")
return roots_unique
if __name__ == '__main__':
def poly1(x):
return (x+4)*(x+2)*(x-1)*(x-5)
roots = multi_root(poly1, [-5, 6])
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