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Created March 8, 2022 20:10
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  • Save maxiimilian/c82dcd832801a0f5d3256ac1d7d92d5e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Latex Makefile
.PHONY: pdf clean todo preflight figures nomenclature snapshot
TEX_FILES := $(wildcard *.tex)
TEX_FILES_EXCEPT_MAIN := $(filter-out main.tex, $(TEX_FILES))
PYTHON := ~/.virtualenvs/MA/bin/python
SNAPSHOT_DIR := ../latex_snapshots
pdf: literature.bib
latexmk -pdf main.tex
write: literature.bib
latexmk -pvc -pdf main.tex
latexmk -C main.tex
find . -name '*.aux' -or -name '*.fls' -or -name '*.log' -or -name 'main.*' -not -name 'main.tex' -delete
rm literature.bib
#sed -i '' s/−/-/g *.bib
hunspell -d en_GB-large $^ || hunspell -d en_GB $^
grep -r --color=always "todo" *.tex
grep -r --color=always "comm" *.tex
preflight: todo
grep -r --color=always -E "(will|shall||above|so.called)" *.tex
curl | grep -v file > $@
snapshot: pdf
cp main.pdf $(SNAPSHOT_DIR)/main_$(shell date +%Y-%m-%d).pdf
#%.pdf_tex: %.svg
#./ $<
#figures: ./figures/methods/modelling_schematic/schematic.pdf_tex
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