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Created February 18, 2020 14:45
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Applicative Parser
module ApplicativeParser
// Credits go to the outstanding Brent Yorgey CIS 194 course found here:
// The following is a simlified version of homework/assignments for week 10 and 11.
// Extremely simplified (aplicative) parser combinator small thing (i.e. snippets and/or gist)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * The primitive parsers are all made based of single character parsers
// * Style A/B feels right working with this kind of code, and besides Applicative, one need also consider
// the Alternative API's (choice <|> operator, end empty Parser). Combinators like zeroOrMore, oneOrMore needs
// the <|> choice operator to be defined)
// In Haskell (need some massaging because out Parser use a different state-model)
// ===========
// instance Alternative Parser where
// -- empty :: Parser a
// empty = Parser (const Nothing)
// -- (<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
// Parser p1 <|> Parser p2 = Parser $ liftA2 (<|>) p1 p2
// Also haskell has more applicative goodness defined by default
// To parse something but ignore its output, you can use the
// (*>) and (<*) operators, which have the types
// (*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
// (<*) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
// Does F# applicative CE (Type C) syntax support the above constructs. I know to little about F# to answer that question.
// (startIndex, stringToParse)
type SpanInfo = int * string
// State Applicative Parser (See also State Monad)
type Parser<'T> = Parser of runParser : (SpanInfo -> option<'T * SpanInfo>)
// Parser<'a> -> (SpanInfo -> option<'a * SpanInfo>)
let runParser (Parser p) = p
// runParser but use string in place of SpanInfo
// That is given a Parser<string> the result is: string -> (string * string) option
let run (p: Parser<'T>) =
(fun (s: string) ->
match runParser p <| (0, s) with
| Some (x, (i, s)) -> Some (x, s.Substring(i, s.Length - i))
| None -> None)
// private helper: apply a function to fst of pair
let first f (x, y) = (f x, y)
// Functor
// ('a -> 'b) - Parser<'a> -> Parser<'b>
let map f (Parser p) =
Parser <| (fun spanInfo -> (first f) (p spanInfo))
let (<!>) f p = map f p
// Applicative
// 'a -> Parser<'a>
let pure' x = Parser <| (fun spanInfo -> Some (x, spanInfo))
// Parser<'a -> 'b> -> Parser<'a> -> Parser<'b>
let apply p1 p2 =
let p3 = fun spanInfo ->
match (runParser p1) spanInfo with
| Some (f, restSpanInfo) -> runParser (map f p2) restSpanInfo // uses map of Functor Parser
| None -> None
Parser p3
let (<*>) = apply
// Primitive parser
// make primitive character parser
let satisfy (p : char -> bool) : Parser<char> =
// runParser :: (SpanInfo -> option<char * SpanInfo>)
let f (i, s : string) : option<char * SpanInfo> =
if (i < s.Length)
then Some (s.[i], (i + 1, s))
else None
Parser f
// char -> Parser<char>
let char c = satisfy ((=) c) // This one will be used from now on!!!
// Examples (aka ad hoc tests) using Style A (TODO: Add Style B and Style C examples)
// Combined parser using Style A
// 1 arg combinator
let ascii (c: char) : int = int c
let asciiA (c: char) = ascii <!> (char c)
let asciiD = pure' ascii <*> (char 'D')
let asciiD' = ascii <!> (char 'D')
// Example 1: Testing map
// > run asciiD "Don Syme";;
// val it : .... = Some (68, "on Syme")
// 2 arg combinator
let sum (x: int) (y: int) = x + y
let asciiDo = sum <!> (asciiA 'D') <*> (asciiA 'o')
// Example 2: Testing apply
// Expected value is 86 + 111 = 179
// > run asciiDo "Don Syme";;
// val it : ..... = Some (179, "n Syme")
// 3 arg combinator
let cons3 (c1: char) (c2: char) (c3: char) = string c1 + string c2 + string c3
// using pure and apply
let parseDon = (pure' cons3) <*> (char 'D') <*> (char 'o') <*> (char 'n')
// using map and apply
let parseDon' = cons3 <!> char 'D' <*> char 'o' <*> char 'n'
// Example 3: Testing apply
// > "Don Syme" |> run parseDon;;
// val it : .... = Some ("Don", " Syme")
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maxild commented Feb 19, 2020

satisfy have a BUG, it should obviously use the predicate

let satisfy (predicate: char -> bool) : Parser<char> =
    // runParser :: (SpanInfo -> option<char * SpanInfo>)
    let f (i, s : string) : option<char * SpanInfo> =
        if (i < s.Length)
            let c = s.[i] 
            if (predicate c) then Some (c, (i + 1, s)) else None
        else None
    Parser f

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