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Forked from VitorTheGreat/
Created November 8, 2021 12:32
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  • Save maximianodev/8771e123a1ea24cccb6584c35e06573d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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GitFlow & Vtex IO - Workflow commands

  1. All PRs approved to branch develop and then Deleted from remote after approval

  2. Update develop locally

    git checkout develop && git pull origin develop 

    2.1. Delete your branch locally

    git branch -D BRANCH-DA-PR-FECHADA 
  3. Change to/Create the production workspace

    vtex use homologprod --production 
  4. Release the new version following the semantic version

    4.1 To release a version that is not the final one run:

    vtex release pre

    4.2 To release a version that is the final one (or should be) run:

    vtex release <minor/patch> stable 
  5. Install the new release in the production workspace

    vtex install <vendor>.<app-name>@<version> or vtex install
    • e.g: vtex install trinketshop.trinketshop-app@0.0.2
  6. QA Phase and register everything within the cms site-editor. Make sure everything is ok and ready to go to production

  7. After QA approved, promote the workspace to master

    vtex workspace promote 
    • obs: this will delete the workspace and transfer all the data from CMS/SITE-EDITOR to master enviroment
  8. After tested live, deploy the new version

    vtex deploy <vendor>.<app-name>@<version> 

    e.g: vtex deploy trinketshop.trinketshop-app@0.0.2

  9. Be happy

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