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Last active August 22, 2023 15:46
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Join VBA collection items into a string
Function CollectionToString(C As Collection, Optional Delimiter As String, Optional TrailingDelimiter As Boolean) As String
' Join a collection into a single string
' OPTIONAL: choose delimiter and specify whether to include a trailing delimiter (e.g. "a;b;c" vs "a;b;c;", where ";" is the delimiter)
' Transfer collection to array
CollectionToString = Join(CollectionToArray(C, 0, C.Count + IIf(TrailingDelimiter, 1, 0)), Delimiter) ' See Referenced Gists below
End Function
Function CollectionToArray(C As Collection, Optional StartIdx As Long, Optional Size As Long) As Variant
' Convert a collection into an array
Dim A() As Variant
Dim Ci As Variant ' Collection element
Dim i As Long
' Make sure Size is not less than collection size
If Size < C.Count Then Size = C.Count
' Transfer collection to array
ReDim A(StartIdx To StartIdx + Size - 1)
For Each Ci In C
A(i) = Ci
i = i + 1
CollectionToArray = A
End Function
Sub CollectionToStringTest()
Dim C As Collection: Set C = New Collection
C.Add "a"
C.Add "b"
C.Add "c"
Debug.Print "No delimiter: " & CollectionToString(C) ' No delimiter: abc
Debug.Print "No trailing delimiter: " & CollectionToString(C, ",") ' No trailing delimiter: a,b,c
Debug.Print "Trailing delimiter: " & CollectionToString(C, ",", True) ' Trailing delimiter: a,b,c,
End Sub
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Hey There, I used this for an automation, and it worked great! Thanks for making this available. I did notice that when if I ran the macro more than once the contents of A() were preserved, so the list grew and grew with each run. I was able to prevent this by adding Erase A() after the variable declarations in CollectionToArray. I wanted to note this incase anyone else needed the same behavior. Thanks again!

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Great catch! Feel free to edit this gist with your fix if you like.

Glad this has been helpful for you otherwise.

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Thank you for the very helpful functionality

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