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Last active January 23, 2016 18:21
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Concatenate a range of Excel cells into a single string specified by a given criteria or condition
Function ConcatRangeIf(Rc As Range, Criterion As String, Rv As Range, Optional Delimiter As String)
' Concatenate cells into a single string specified by a given criteria or condition
Dim C As Collection: Set C = New Collection ' Collection of values to be included in final string
Dim Ac() As Variant: Ac = Rc ' Criterias
Dim Av() As Variant: Av = Rv ' Values
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
For i = LBound(Ac, 1) To UBound(Ac, 1)
For j = LBound(Ac, 2) To UBound(Ac, 2)
' Bypass criteria of empty cells if specified
If Len(Ac(i, j)) > 0 Then
' Evaluate criteria
Select Case Left(Criterion, 1)
Case ">", "<", "=":
If Application.Evaluate(Rc(i, j) & Criterion) Then C.Add Av(i, j)
Case Else:
If Criterion = Rc(i, j) Then C.Add Av(i, j)
End Select
End If
Next j
Next i
ConcatRangeIf = Join(CollectionToArray(C), Delimiter)
End Function
Private Function FilterCollection(C As Collection, Criterion As String) As Collection
' Filter collection C based on a criterion
Dim NewC As Collection ' Filtered collection
Dim Ci As Variant ' Collection element
For Each Ci In C
' Evaluate criteria
Select Case Left(Criterion, 1)
Case ">", "<", "=":
If Application.Evaluate(Ci & Criterion) Then NewC.Add Ci
Case Else:
If Criterion = Ci Then C.NewC Ci
End Select
Next Ci
End Function
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