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Last active April 22, 2017 13:13
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Red [
description: {
Attempt to copy Haiku Editor
todo: {
* Optimize GUI
* Add memory and words: @ !
* Add return stack and words: push pop r@
* Add mouse handling: mx my button buttons
* Add complex numbers operations: z+ z*
* Add word definition: :;
* Add if/else/then condition
* Add comments support
* Write some haikus
needs: 'View
debug: off
forth-words: copy []
silent-tests: off
test-everything: func [/silently /local w] [
forall forth-words [
w: get forth-words/1
if silently [ silent-tests: on ]
w/test []
run-test: function [name stack-in stack-out] [
unless silent-tests [ print [ "testing" name "with" mold stack-in ] ]
me: get name
res: me copy stack-in
either res = stack-out [
unless silent-tests [ print "passed" ]
] [
if silent-tests [
print [ "testing" name "with" mold stack-in ]
print [lf "! failed !"]
print [ "result:" res ]
print [ "expected:" stack-out lf]
run-tests: function [name tests /local stack-in stack-out] [
results: copy []
rule: [
set stack-in block! '=> set stack-out block!
(append results run-test name stack-in stack-out)
parse tests [any rule]
either all results [ yes ] [ no ]
forth-word: func ['name spec body tests /local args new-body out-type to-boolean?] [
append forth-words name
args: first parse spec [collect [keep to '--]]
if not args [ args: copy [] ]
unless block? args [
args: reduce [args]
out-type: parse spec [collect [skip thru '-- keep to end]]
word-body: [
name2: ; actualy value will be inserted here
args2: ; same
body2: ; same
tests2: ; same
out-type: ; same
if debug [ print ["stack:" mold stack] ]
if test [ return run-tests name2 tests2 ]
blk: copy []
if (length? args2) > (length? stack) [
print [
"stack underflow at" name2
"(" args2 ") stack:" mold stack
return head stack
args-rev: reverse copy args2
forall args-rev [
append blk reduce [to-set-word args-rev/1 take/last stack]
; ctx: make object! blk
bind body2 ctx
res: do body2
if out-type = [b] [
res: to-forth-boolean res
if out-type = [n] [
res: to-float res
head append stack res
insert next find word-body quote tests2: reduce [copy tests]
insert next find word-body quote name2: reduce ['quote name]
insert next find word-body quote args2: reduce [copy args]
insert next find word-body quote body2: reduce [copy body]
insert next find word-body quote out-type: reduce [out-type]
set name function [stack /test] word-body
to-forth-boolean: func [value] [
if logic? value [ return either value [1] [0] ]
if number? value [ return either zero? value [0] [1] ]
print ["don't know how to convert" value "to forth-boolean"]
current-time: does [
; current time in seconds since midnight
time: now/time
time/second + (time/minute * 60) + (time/hour * 3600)
; Forth dictionary
; put value
forth-word forth-dt [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-mx [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-my [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-button [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-buttons [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-audio [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
; memory
forth-word forth-at [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-! [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-push [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-pop [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-rat [ -- n] [ make error! "not implemented" ] [
; no tests
; math
forth-word forth-+ [x y -- n] [ x + y ] [
[1 2] => [3]
forth-word forth-- [x y -- n] [ x - y ] [
[3 1] => [2]
forth-word forth-* [x y -- n] [ x * y ] [
[2 3] => [6]
forth-word forth-div [x y -- n] [ x / to-float y ] [
[6 3] => [2.0]
forth-word forth-min [x y -- n] [ min x y ] [
[6 3] => [3]
[3 6] => [3]
forth-word forth-max [x y -- n] [ max x y ] [
[6 3] => [6]
[3 6] => [6]
forth-word forth-mod [x y -- n] [ mod x y ] [
[5 3] => [2]
forth-word forth-pow [x y -- n] [ power x y ] [
[2 2] => [4]
[3 4] => [81]
forth-word forth-atan2 [x y -- n] [ atan2 x y ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-negate [x -- n] [ negate x ] [
[5] => [-5]
forth-word forth-sin [x -- n] [ sin x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-cos [x -- n] [ cos x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-tan [x -- n] [ tan x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-log [x -- n] [ log-e x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-exp [x -- n] [ exp x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-exp [x -- n] [ exp x ] [
; no tests
forth-word forth-sqrt [x -- n] [ sqrt x ] [
[4] => [2.0]
forth-word forth-floor [x -- n] [ to-integer x ] [
[4.5] => [4]
forth-word forth-ceil [x -- n] [ 1 + to-integer x ] [
[4.5] => [5]
forth-word forth-abs [x -- n] [ absolute x ] [
[-4.5] => [4.5]
[4.5] => [4.5]
forth-word forth-z+ [x -- n] [ absolute x ] [
[-4.5] => [4.5]
[4.5] => [4.5]
forth-word forth-z* [x -- n] [ absolute x ] [
[-4.5] => [4.5]
[4.5] => [4.5]
; comparison
forth-word forth-= [x y -- b] [ x = y ] [
[2 2] => [1]
[2 1] => [0]
forth-word forth-!= [x y -- b] [ x <> y ] [
[2 2] => [0]
[2 1] => [1]
forth-word forth-> [x y -- b] [ x > y ] [
[1 2] => [0]
[2 1] => [1]
[2 2] => [0]
forth-word forth->= [x y -- b] [ x >= y ] [
[1 2] => [0]
[2 1] => [1]
[2 2] => [1]
forth-word forth-< [x y -- b] [ x < y ] [
[1 2] => [1]
[2 1] => [0]
[2 2] => [0]
forth-word forth-<= [x y -- b] [ x <= y ] [
[1 2] => [1]
[2 1] => [0]
[2 2] => [1]
; stack manipulations
forth-word forth-dup [x -- x x] [reduce [x x]] [
[1] => [1 1]
forth-word forth-over [a b -- a b a] [reduce [a b a]] [
[1 2] => [1 2 1]
forth-word forth-dup2 [a b -- a b a b] [reduce [a b a b]] [
[1 2] => [1 2 1 2]
forth-word forth-drop [x -- ] [[]] [
[1] => []
forth-word forth-swap [a b -- b a] [reduce [b a]] [
[1 2] => [2 1]
forth-word forth-rot [a b c -- b c a] [reduce [b c a]] [
[1 2 3] => [2 3 1]
forth-word forth--rot [a b c -- c a b] [reduce [c a b]] [
[1 2 3] => [3 1 2]
; logic
forth-word forth-not [x -- b] [ either zero? x [1] [0] ] [
[0] => [1]
[1] => [0]
forth-word forth-and [x y -- b] [ x and y ] [
[0 0] => [0]
[0 1] => [0]
[1 0] => [0]
[1 1] => [1]
forth-word forth-or [x y -- b] [ x or y ] [
[0 0] => [0]
[0 1] => [1]
[1 0] => [1]
[1 1] => [1]
parse-forth: function [x y code /local n s] [
stack: copy []
words: [
; '( skip thru ') |
set n number! (append stack n) |
'x (append stack x) |
'y (append stack y) |
't (append stack current-time) |
'dt (forth-dt stack) |
'mx (forth-mx stack) |
'my (forth-my stack) |
'button (forth-button stack) |
'buttons (forth-buttons stack) |
'audio (forth-audio stack) |
'@ (forth-at stack) |
'! (forth-! stack) |
'push (forth-push stack) |
'>r (forth-push stack) |
'pop (forth-pop stack) |
'r> (forth-pop stack) |
'r@ (forth-rat stack) |
'dup (forth-dup stack) |
'over (forth-over stack) |
'dup2 (forth-dup2 stack) |
'drop (forth-drop stack) |
'swap (forth-swap stack) |
'rot (forth-rot stack) |
'-rot (forth--rot stack) |
'= (forth-= stack) |
'<> (forth-!= stack) |
'< (forth-< stack) |
'> (forth-> stack) |
'<= (forth-<= stack) |
'>= (forth->= stack) |
'and (forth-and stack) |
'or (forth-or stack) |
'not (forth-not stack) |
'min (forth-min stack) |
'max (forth-max stack) |
'+ (forth-+ stack) |
'- (forth-- stack) |
'* (forth-* stack) |
; '/ (forth-div stack) |
'mod (forth-mod stack) |
'pow (forth-pow stack) |
'** (forth-pow stack) |
'atan2 (forth-atan2 stack) |
'negate (forth-negate stack) |
'sin (forth-sin stack) |
'cos (forth-cos stack) |
'tan (forth-tan stack) |
'log (forth-log stack) |
'exp (forth-exp stack) |
'sqrt (forth-sqrt stack) |
'floor (forth-floor stack) |
'ceil (forth-ceil stack) |
'abs (forth-abs stack) |
'pi (append stack pi) |
'z+ (forth-z+ stack) |
'z* (forth-z* stack) |
'random (append stack (random 100) / 100.0) |
;; if-else-then
; 'if if-rule |
; ahead 'else break |
; ahead 'then break |
set s skip (print ["skipped:" s])
rules: compose/deep [any [(words)]]
if-rule: [
if (take back tail stack <> 0) rules ['else if-true-part] |
; [ if a if b then 3 then 'test ]
; skip-nested-ifs: [skip to ['if | 'then] skip-nested-ifs-helper]
; skip-nested-ifs-helper: ['then | skip-nested-ifs skip-nested-ifs-helper ]
; if-true-part: [skip to ['if | 'else | 'then] ['if if-true-part skip thru 'then if-true-part | | 'then]]
; if-else-part: [skip to ['if | 'else | 'then] ['if skip thru 'then if-else-part | 'else rules 'then | 'then]
parse code rules
; hack for 2dup word, because words in Red can't start with a digit
dup2hack: func [text] [ replace/all text "2dup" "dup2" ]
; test-everything/silently
; probe parse-forth 1 1 2 2 [ 0.5 ]
; quit
; runs forth code and returns color
run-forth: function [x y code] [
colors: [0 0 0]
colors/1: 0
colors/2: 0
colors/3: 0
upd: parse-forth x y code
; print [code upd]
change colors copy/part upd 3
colors/1: to-integer colors/1 * 255
colors/2: to-integer colors/2 * 255
colors/3: to-integer colors/3 * 255
forall colors [
if colors/1 > 255 [
colors/1: 255
if colors/1 < 0 [
colors/1: 0
head colors
; probe run-forth 1 1 2 2 [ 0.5 ]
; quit
; runs code for each pixel in image and updates its color
generate: function [text] [
code: load/all text
probe code
image: img/image
x-scale: 1.0 / image/size/x
y-scale: 1.0 / image/size/y
x: y: x-scaled: y-scaled: 0
forall image [
image/1: to-tuple run-forth x-scaled y-scaled code
either (x + 1) >= image/size/x [
x: x-scaled: 0
y: y + 1
y-scaled: y-scaled + y-scale
] [
x: x + 1
x-scaled: x-scaled + x-scale
demo: {
system/view/auto-sync?: true
view [
title "Demo"
backdrop #2C3339
source: area #13181E 410x300 no-border demo font [
name: "Consolas"
size: 9
color: hex-to-rgb #9EBACB
img: image 200x200 #2C3339
button "Run" on-click [
generate dup2hack source/text
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