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Last active July 20, 2017 05:52
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Find a cycle of a given length in a graph
void Main()
var n0 = new Node<string>("n0", null);
var n1 = new Node<string>("n1", null);
var n2 = new Node<string>("n2", null);
var n3 = new Node<string>("n3", null);
var n4 = new Node<string>("n4", null);
var n5 = new Node<string>("n5", null);
var n6 = new Node<string>("n6", null);
var n7 = new Node<string>("n7", null);
var n8 = new Node<string>("n8", null);
// 8-shaped
// n1.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n2 });
// n2.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n3, n5 });
// n3.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n4 });
// n4.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n1 });
// n5.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n6 });
// n6.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n1 });
// something simple
// n1.setNodes(new Node[] { n2 });
// n2.setNodes(new Node[] { n3, n4 });
// n3.setNodes(new Node[] { n4 });
// n4.setNodes(new Node[] { n1, n2 });
//n0.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n0 });
n1.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n2 });
n2.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n3, n5, n6, n7 });
n4.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n7 });
n5.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n1 });
n6.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n2, n7 });
n7.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n3, n4 });
n8.setNodes(new Node<string>[] { n4 });
var graph = new Node<string>[] {n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8};
// n1.DFS(_ => _.Select(n =>"@1"));//.Dump("DFS starting at n1");
// n2.DFS(_ => _.Select(n =>"@2"));//.Dump("DFS starting at n2");
// n3.DFS(_ => _.Select(n =>"@3"));//.Dump("DFS starting at n2");
// n4.DFS(_ => _.Select(n =>"@4"));//.Dump("DFS starting at n2");
// n2.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n2");
// n3.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n3");
// n4.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n4");
// n5.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n4");
// n4.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n4");
// n4.DFS().Dump("DFS starting at n4");
// graph.hasCycleOfLength(3).Dump("graph.hasCycleOfLength(3)");
delegate void CycleDetected<T>(IEnumerable<Node<T>> cycle);
class Node<T>
public string name { get; set; }
public List<Node<T>> nodes { get; set; }
public void setNodes(IEnumerable<Node<T>> ns)
nodes = new List<Node<T>>();
if (null == ns)
public Node(string name, IEnumerable<Node<T>> ns)
{ = name;
static class Aux
class ListIntersectComparer : IEqualityComparer<List<string>>
public bool Equals(List<string> x, List<string> y)
return x.Intersect(y).Any();
public int GetHashCode(List<string> obj) => 7;
public class MyStringListComparer : IEqualityComparer<List<string>>
public bool Equals(List<string> x, List<string> y)
return x.Zip(y, (_x, _y) => _x == _y).All(_ => _);
public int GetHashCode(List<string> obj) => 7;
public static bool hasCycleOfLength<T>(this Node<T>[] graph, int m)
var allCycles = new HashSet<List<string>>(new MyStringListComparer());
foreach (var n in graph)
n.DFS(cyc =>
.Add(cyc.Select(_ =>
.OrderBy(_ => _)
allCycles.Dump("Unique cycles");
if (allCycles.Any(_ => 1 == _.Count()))
// cycle of 1 - we can do anything!
return true;
// otherwise check if the diophantine equation has a solution
// but first - need to group the connected cycles
var connectedCycles = allCycles
.GroupBy(_=>_, new ListIntersectComparer())
.Dump("Connected cycles' lengths")
// UF: need to make sure we have a positive solution?
if (!connectedCycles.Select(_ => 0 == m % gcd(_)).Any(_ => _))
return false;
foreach (var cc in connectedCycles)
if (findAllPositiveSolutions(cc, m).Any())
return true;
return false;
static IEnumerable<int> findAllPositiveSolutions(IEnumerable<int> ks, int c)
if (ks.Count() < 2)
if (0 == c % ks.First())
yield return c / ks.First();
yield break;
foreach (var x0 in Enumerable.Range(0, c / ks.First()))
var tail = findAllPositiveSolutions(ks.Skip(1), c - x0 * ks.First()).ToList();
if (tail.Any())
yield return x0;
foreach (var t in tail)
yield return t;
static int gcd(IEnumerable<int> bs)
if (1 < bs.Count())
return gcd(bs.First(), bs.Skip(1));
return bs.First();
static int gcd(int a, IEnumerable<int> bs)
if (bs.Count() < 2)
return gcd(a, bs.First());
return gcd(gcd(a, bs.First()), bs.Skip(1));
static int gcd(int a, int b)
return (a % b == 0) ? Math.Abs(b) : gcd(b, a % b);
public static IEnumerable<Node<T>> DFS<T>(this Node<T> start, CycleDetected<T> cd)
var res = new Stack<Node<T>>();
DFS_helper(start, res, cd);
return res;
static void DFS_helper<T>(Node<T> start, Stack<Node<T>> found, CycleDetected<T> cd)
if (found.Any()
&& found.Last().name ==
if (found.Any(_ => ==
foreach (var n in start.nodes)
DFS_helper(n, found, cd);
public static void readInput()
var matrix = new List<string>();
var graph = new List<Node<string>>();
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, Int16.Parse(Console.ReadLine())))
graph.Add(new Node<string>($"{graph.Count()}", null));
foreach (var l in Enumerable.Range(0, matrix.Count()))
.Select((_, i) =>
if ('1' == _)
return true;
var m = Int16.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
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